How I Started A Very Much Loved Successful Business Blog (& You Can Too!)

This is How I Started A Very Much Loved Successful Business Blog AND how you can too! Business Blogging 101: a step-by-step guide! So, if you’re Looking for business ideas and wondering How To Make Money Online? or Maybe you already have an idea to generate passive income? Starting A Business is as Easy as Starting A Blog! Plus, Every Business needs a blog and There is a reason Why EVERY small business owner should be blogging in 2024! Think “Business Blog, Blogging For Business, or Business Blogging” — And in case you find yourself asking: Is Business Blogging Worth It In 2024? Just so you know There is even an FTC and Instagram Business Blog!

But what about Small Business Blogs? – What’s your go to blog for info to help run, grow, and manage your business, and why? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered… THIS is one of the BEST FREE Business blogs to read if you want to know how to start a business! I’m covering everything you need to know!

⬇️ Follow along step-by-step as I show you how to create your own small business blog using Project @VMLVibes aka Very Much Loved as a business blog example! I’m sharing Business blog posts, Business blog templates, and more…

🚨 BE sure to BOOKMARK and SAVE This Page as I’m still updating it… 👩‍💻

Keep in mind

The term #BusinessBlogs doesn’t mean that you just blog about business! I love to blog about RVing, Travel, Money, ReSelling, Entrepreneurship & Business, my Dogs + Cat — my life in general overall! Plus I LOVE to BLOG about Blogging! = ICYMI, I’m a blogger, business owner, & Beyond! I have MULTIPLE BUSINESS BLOGS that I run and own! 👩‍💻

I’m sharing some of the BEST Small Business Blog Examples and Why They Work! By the end of this post, you’ll have all the tools you need to be one of The Best Business Blogs of 2024! So the better question to ask is: How can I start my business with blog? or how to start a blog for my business?

QUESTION: I want to start a blog for my business but I’m not sure where and how to start a Successful Business Blog?

ANSWER: Here’s How To Start A Successful Blog For Your Business!

I’m answering all your burning questions and covering all the “things to know” you might be searching for such as:

  • What does a business blog do?
  • What is a business blog example?
  • Do small businesses need a blog?
  • Do you need an LLC for a blog?
  • 100 Best Business Blogs in 2024
  • Biggest business blogs
  • Examples of business blogs
  • and more…

❤️ Project VML: Starting A Business + Very Much Loved Blog! (from almost FREE to 100K)

This is what I like to call “Project VML” where I spent A LOT of time not only Starting A Business + Very Much Loved Blog but also detailing the entire process of building a website, online shop, designing custom merchandise, email ist, setting up social media and the list goes on! I essentially created an online business and brand then handed it over to someone else so they could make money online! Think passive income such as a “Business or Blog in a Box”! Even better is I tried to keep track of what everything COSTS and showed how you could DIY (do everything yourself) for almost nothing essentially FREE or at least at most less than $100 bucks!

YES, you can figure out How to create a blog and business for free That Inspires Others with a Free Blog Maker or Website Builder BUT if you want to turn your blog into a business and make money online blogging, selling merchandise, with affiliate income, you name it then you need to eventually invest in your business, brand, and blog itself (ya know “spend money”)! Until then, this is one of the Best Free Online Business Building, Branding, and Blogging Courses for Beginners To Try in 2024! You might even call it “How To Start a Business from Scratch” or my step-by-step online (Keep on reading…)

>> Best Free Blogging Courses for Beginners To Try in 2024!

>> How To Brand Like A BOSS!

Behind The Scenes…

The other day (actually last month) I was sitting at my Mom’s Lakehouse aka Mobile Home Trailer with 40mph hurricane wind and rain brewing outside forcing me to do roof repairs, while also managing 5 dogs and a cat! Not to mention we had just gotten back from a van trip and were about to be headed out on another one! Plus, I was “trying” to work on getting my latest “Behind The Scenes Of My RV Life Updates + BIG NEWS Video” out for my RVersity Fam to see! Since I had not posted a new video in several weeks! Oh and ICYMI my name is “Blogging” Brandi — I run MULTIPLE BLOGS for all my business brands, not just my personal brand! I have over 10 blogs (right now) plus many more I’ve created over the years for myself and others.

When I got a call…

It was Vernard a client now friend as well asking me for help! (AGAIN) I have to be honest every time I talk to Vernard he says he wants to make a change, start a business, and have a product to sell something that he could make more passive income doing. He was thinking online with a website to sell things like T-shirts, Hats, Cups, etc… Custom Merchandise, and something that he could grow and pass down to his kids (or maybe even run with them like a family business).

Time = Money

I’ve been working with Vernard for a few years now and while he has taken steps to start building his business and brand he never “finished it” BUT I knew this time he was serious because he said I’M TIRED and WILLING TO PAY. I knew he was never going to be able to do half the things I had already explained to him. Not because he wasn’t smart but because like he said “his TIME IS VALUABLE” to him. And I don’t have TIME to keep on explaining it!

Plus, I know what takes me a day or week to do it could take him a month, year, or two! In fact, it is taking me MORE time to write this blog post and explain all this to you than it did to actually do! So, This is to prove no matter if you’re young or old, just getting started or ready to retire. Have a plan or no idea at all. YES, you can start a brand, business, blog, website, social media, email list, etc… ALL whether you Want to DIY (do it yourself) or need to hire some help…

How To Start A Business Blog Step-By-Step Checklist [Guide]

    ✅ Getting Set Up & Organized

    Before doing anything else you need to have systems in place and one of my favorite tools to use for this is Google! You can set up an Email address, and all your files and folders, create documents, and spreadsheets, and share them all while staying organized in one place!

    ✅ Setting Up A Gmail Address

    One of the very first things we did before proceeding to any of the next steps was to secure an email better yet a Gmail Address for Vernard’s new business name and brand! If at all possible try to use something easy like [email protected] or [email protected] try not to use any strange numerical combinations or _ underscores etc… if at all possible. Keep it simple!

    Keep in mind during the next step of Signing In Setting up and Syncing your Google Chrome Browser, if you do not already have a Gmail account for the brand name you plan to use, then you will have the option to sign in or create one.

    ✅ Download Google Chrome Browser: Sync, Set Up Tabs + Save Passwords

    Another thing we did was make sure Vernard had Downloaded and was using a Google Chrome Browser. I signed him in and synced his browser along with all his favorite websites. Plus saved all his passwords — so that no matter whether he is “physically” as long as he can get ONLINE (even on his Mobile Phone) when he signs into his Gmail Account via his Google Chrome Browser and has that “sync” function turned on he has everything in one place!

    We saved tabs for all his social media accounts, email service provider, website backend, etc… so every time he opens the browser “On Startup” he’ll return all his favorite website pages!

    I love to use a Google Chrome Browser and set Up Profiles for my personal and business accounts. It makes it easy to manage multiple email addresses, websites, and social media accounts all in one place (it still keeps everything separate while making it easy to being able to switch between different profiles) For instance I have a different profile Blogging Brandi vs RVersity & Birdies Doghouse etc…

    ✅ Google Drive / Workspace (Files, Folders, Documents, Spreadsheets)

    Another thing I like. touse and set up for my clients are “digital” files and folders so they can access them anytime anywhere online (and potentially offline as well 😉

    I use Google Drive which is Free to get started both for personal and business (FYI it comes with your FREE Gmail Address as well) but you can upgrade to Google Workspace for more space and business features!

    You can use Google Drive / Workspace for creating and storing:

    • Spreadsheets,
    • Documents,
    • Folders
    • Pictures
    • Videos
    • Powerpoints,
    • Calendar,
    • Email
    • Sharing, Collaborating, & More…

    💰 COST:

    For setting up a client’s Google Chrome browser, syncing, and organizing it (including setting up favorite website tabs and saving passwords), you can consider a pricing structure based on the complexity and time involved.

    • Basic Setup (Syncing Chrome, adding a few favorite websites, setting up password saving): $50 – $100.
    • Intermediate Setup (Including organizing multiple categories of tabs, installing key extensions, managing bookmarks, and importing/exporting passwords): $100 – $150.
    • Advanced Setup (Including syncing across multiple devices, setting up advanced security features, and providing Chrome optimization tips): $150 – $200+.

    The price may be adjusted based on the level of service, time commitment, and any additional customizations or support clients may need.

    FYI the Google Chrome Browser and all of the services including syncing is FREE if you want to do it yourself and set everything up!

    ✅ Branding Kit:

    Branding Kit

    • ✅ Business Name,
    • ✅ Logo,
    • ✅ Tagline / BIO / ABOUT
    • ✅ Colors,
    • ✅ Fonts
    • etc,…

    ✅ Choosing A Brand / Business Name

    When I met Vernard he already had a little bit of a vision for his business and branding. As you get to know him and read more about him you start to learn he is “Mr. Positivity” and always happy, full of joy, all about spreading LOVE to others. Not to mention his initials are “VML” so he had the name in mind of “Very Much Loved”

    However after a little search of Social Media and Doamins, plus Google I quickly learned that names weren’t going to work but we could use a variation so I came up with the name @VMLvibes for us to use on his Instagram, Facebook, Twitter X, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTueb Accounts. We also purchased the domain name and URL for (I dive into this later on below)

    ✅ Writing A Tagline, Bio & About Page!

    With the strategy that I use for creating my Branding Kits, you essentially start with your “Elevator Pitch” and LONG ABOUT PAGE of how you would describe yourself which is usually several sentences or paragraphs. But the goal is to keep the few essential sentences that describe who you are and what you do to create your bio and eventually your brand’s tagline!

    For Vernard I asked him how would he describe himself and his response also allowed me to help him create his About Page, Social Media Bios, Brand Tagline, Hashtags, Keywords for SEO, Quotes, Blog Posts, and More…

    ✅ Hashtags & Keywords

    Hashtags and Keywords are the same concepts but hashtags are typically used on social media platforms to help others discover your content, whereas Keywords help in SEO (search engine optimization) to help your content be more discoverable by platforms like Google, YouTube, Pinterest, in your blog post, pages, videos etc…

    ✅ Choosing Brand Colors & Fonts

    One thing that has changed over time is Vernard’s VMLvibes Brand Colors! I know when he started like most people he didn’t know what colors to use or what he really liked. So we started out with blue and purple, even black and white…

    Until I decided to help him “ReBrand” and told him that when you think of the idea of “Very Much LOVED” the color of LOVE is RED! So thankfully Vernard just said okay and we updated all of his social media headers, profile pictures, logo, etc… with the new colors (same with his fonts)

    ✅ Logo Design

    Vernard had several logo designs before we finally rebranded and settled on the design he’s using now.

    We started out with a different color scheme and he even ran a logo design contest paying a fee to have someone design another logo for him. But we rebranded with the help of Canva for FREE!

    💰 COST:

    Pricing for a comprehensive Branding Kit can vary based on the complexity of the work, my experience, and the client’s industry. Since my package includes a full range of services—brand strategy, design, copywriting, and organization—it’s a premium offer. Here are some guidelines to consider:

    1. Entry-Level: $500–$1,000
      • If the client is a small startup or solo entrepreneur, and you’re just starting out or want to attract more clients, this can be a good range.
    2. Mid-Range: $1,000–$3,000
      • For a more established business or if your experience and portfolio justify it, this range reflects the higher value of a full rebranding package with strategic elements.
    3. Premium: $3,000–$7,000+
      • If you’re offering extensive consultations, revisions, and in-depth strategic work, or you’re working with more established companies with higher branding needs, this premium range would be appropriate.

    Sometimes I’ll offer add-ons or extra revisions for additional fees.

    Keep in mind you can do pretty much all of this yourself for FREE! But again some people prefer to save their time and would rather spend money to have someone else do this for them (because FREE isn’t always FAST & EASY)! 😉

    ✅ Setting Up Social Media

    I went through each of the following steps below for all of the major social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter X, YouTube, etc…

    • Initial Account Setup / Social @Handles
    • Audit Review
    • Headers / Banners
    • Avatar / Profile (Face Readjustment & Photoshoping T-Shirt)
    • Bio
    • Content / Posts*

    P.S. I even created a special YouTube Subscribe link: (so when people click the link they are automatically prompted to subscribe to your YouTube channel).

    ✅ Initial Account Set Up & Secure Social @Handles

    We secured all the social media handles for @VMLvibes and set up social media accounts for all the major platforms so that we could keep our brand consistent.

    Social Media @VMLVibes

    ✅ Audit Review

    Not only do we want to make sure that all of your social media @handles are the same, but also your social media headers and banners, profile picture, bio, etc… so if you already have you’re social media accounts setup then maybe it’s better to use this checklist to do a little review and auditing? This all has to do with social media branding and making sure your brand looks the same everywhere! You want others to easily recognize your brand!

    🚨 One thing I noticed while writing this post was that we still need to go back and make a few adjustments on LinkedIn and Instagram! The headers, profile picture, and bio, all need updating aka rebranding, and then of course we need to add some posts!

    ✅ Social Media Headers / Banners

    It’s important to keep the same look and feel with all your banners on each of the different social media platforms to build your brand identity! We created all the VMLvibes Social Media Banners and Headers for Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter X, and YouTube, all using Canva for FREE! With the pro version, they’ll even resize all the designs for you fast and easily automatically!

    ✅ Avatar / Profile (Face Readjustment & Photoshoping T-Shirt)

    One funny thing about Vernard is he is always happy even if he doesn’t look happy! And the only photo I had at the time was one where he looked ANGRY so I decided to make him SMILE!

    And I found a nice FREE tool to help called Hey Photo (plus I didn’t have time to ask for a photo and wait on Vernard to send me a new pic)!

    I used Canva to add. a little logo to cover up the other logo he had on his t-shirt. So now it looks like not only is he SMILING and HAPPY feeling VERY MUCH LOVED but he appears to be wearing a branded business shirt! 😉

    ✅ Social Bio

    I try to use the same “short bio” on all the social media platforms even though I have to tweak the length for each one. I used the “About Section” info from Vernard VMLVibes Branding Kit (Branding Blueprint Spreadsheet) that we created in the branding section above!


    ✅ Content / Posts

    I created 3 original blog posts for the VMLvibes website but for social media, some content was curated from each platform. Like Pinterest, I just repinned a bunch of pins about love quotes, love letters, love poems, love affirmations, love everything! But, I also created social media posts to share the blogs from VMLvobes and drive traffic back to the website…

    💰 COST:

    Pricing for social media account creation and setup depends on several factors, including the number of platforms, the amount of customization, and the depth of initial content setup. Here’s a breakdown of what I might consider when pricing this service:

    Base Pricing Factors:

    1. Initial Account Setup / Audit Review – $50 to $100 per platform.
    2. Creating and Adding Headers / Banners – $50 to $150 per platform (depending on custom design).
    3. Avatar/Profile (Face Readjustment & Photoshopping) – $50 to $100 per platform.
    4. Updating Bio – $30 to $50 per platform.
    5. Adding Initial Content / Posts – $20 to $50 per post (depending on content complexity).

    Example Pricing for Each Platform:

    • Twitter (X): $200–$400
    • Facebook: $200–$400
    • LinkedIn: $200–$400
    • Instagram: $200–$400
    • Pinterest: $200–$400
    • YouTube: $300–$500 (more design effort for banners and video setup)
    • TikTok: $200–$400

    Total Estimate:

    If I am creating and setting up all seven platforms, a standard package could range from $1,400 to $3,000, depending on the amount of content, customization, and time involved. I could offer bundle discounts if the client wants multiple platforms set up at once. It depends: Would you like to structure it differently or include specific add-ons?

    Keep in mind it’s FREE to set up all of the social media platforms yourself so the services themself are FREE! Some people prefer to DIY others would rather pay someone to save them time and money!

    ✅ Set Up Your LinkTree (“One Page Website”)

    This is a great place to QUICKLY grab any links you need to share with other people, or on social media.

    I also use it as my Instagram Bio Link or Social Media “Link” instead of my website link since it is very simple.

    It’s also a great way to see all your LINKS and YourSelf, aka your Brand showcased in one place!

    You could call this your “ONE PAGE WEBSITE”

    how to set up a one page website LINKTREE Example - @VMLvibes Created by Blogging Brandi
    How to set up a one-page website LINKTREE Example – @VMLvibes Created by Blogging Brandi

    Before starting to build your website, put together all your links in a “Link Tree” via LinkTree and we made sure to use the same user name as the rest of your brand @VMLvibes

    Here is the link to your LinkTree:

    I added links for Your:

    Plus, setup all your social media icon links for:

    We also customized your LinkTree Page with a Logo/Profile Picture, Bio, and Theme!

    💰 COST:

    The LinkTree Service offers a FREE basic service as well as a Pro version. For setting up a Linktree for my clients, the pricing can vary based on a few factors:

    1. Time and Complexity: How much customization is needed? If it’s a basic setup with links, the pricing could be lower. If they want more personalized themes, integration with analytics, or custom branding, the price might increase.
    2. Value to Client: How critical is this Linktree for their business? If it’s a significant part of their online presence (like for brands or influencers), you could charge more due to its higher value.
    3. Your Expertise: Consider your experience and the overall service package you’re providing.

    A general range for setting up a basic Linktree might be:

    • D.I.Y. FREE = service itself + Doing It Yourself
    • Basic Setup: $50–$150 (for simple link creation and theme selection)
    • Custom Setup with Branding/Analytics: $150–$300+

    If it’s part of a larger package (like website setup or social media management), I might also bundle the service at a lower rate to encourage clients to opt for more services.

    ✅ Website Set Up (WordPress)

    ✅ Reseller Account (GoDaddy)

    First, we had my clients sign up for a FREE GoDaddy Account through my BLABoss Reseller Dashboard. This allows me to see and better assist my clients from the backend. We grant myself access to place items in their cart or purchase them on their behalf. As well as access to the backend of their products purchased via my Reseller Store Website Link. Plus, it gives me credit for referring you to GoDaddy as in I get a little commission for the sale! 😉

    ✅ Domain

    After deciding on a name and making sure the social media handle “@VMLvibes” was available on all the social media platforms we not only secured the social media handles (above) but also bought the domain name to match (I think we also bought but can’t remember lol) either way we wanted the VMLvibes since it matched all of our social media!

    We purchased the Domain through my BLABoss ReSeller StoreFront

    How To Purchase Domain For Your Website - BLABossInc for @VMLVibes by Blogging Brandi
    How To Purchase Domain For Your Website – @VMLVibes

    ✅ Managed WordPress (Website) SetUp

    FYI you Do not have to have a website name aka a domain to start building your website. You can always decide on one later on. However, if you’re installing a theme be sure to install the theme AFTER you’ve connected the website domain. Otherwise when you want to update the theme you have to switch between the two and it gets complicated, but you can easily set up a Managed WordPress (Website) in a matter of minutes just so that you can start putting together the look and feel of your website. If you choose not to use a domain in the beginning you’ll receive a temporary and random address.

    Either way, the first thing you want to do is make sure you are buying and setting up the “MANAGED WORDPRESS WEBSITE” via the BLABoss ReSeller Store. All you need to start is the BASIC bottom-level plan and you can always upgrade later on as you grow/expand.

    During the setup process it’s going to ask if you want to include appointments, a shop, blog, etc… CHOOSE ALL THE OPTIONS during installation you can always remove them later on, but it’s nice to already have them during setup.

    Once you purchase this you will be instructed to walk through all the steps of setting up your new website from creating a name, choosing a theme, customizing it, etc… You have the option to use a basic theme via GoDaddy (The Blaboss Reseller Store)

    You can also buy a theme from places like Envato Market’s Theme Forest and install it. This can be done now or later.

    I like to start with a basic theme such as GoDaddy’s Philo Template.

    ✅ Customized Theme (Basic GoDaddy Philo?)

    Whether you decide to buy a theme or use a basic one either way you have to go through the initial website account setup process. And, even after you finish the first part of the website process there is still a lot of customizing to be done to every website. (i.e. choosing your font and colors, adding your images, social media handles, menus, pages, blogs, and actual context on the website, plus installing plugins, your logo, name, shop setup, etc… so many things to do. But, at least you have a skeleton and can start to see your business/brand’s look and feel come to life!

    ✅ Adding WordPress Website Plugins

    One of the next steps I will take is to add plugins to WordPress. These help the website operate or perform as well as look and feel a certain way. Some plugins are for the front end that is Public to viewers and other plugins are more for the backend and YOU!

    • WooCommerce +++ (Shop)
    • Google for WooCommerce
    • MailChimp for WooCommerce (Email List + Shop)
    • Pinterest for WooCommerce
    • Printful Integration for WooCommerce (Shop + Custom Merch)
    • Simple Post Redirect
    • Site Kit by Google (for analytics)
    • WPCode Lite (for adding additional codes)
    • Yoast SEO (for search engine optimization)
    • Blog2Social (for social media)

    ✅ Setting Up Pages on WordPress

    Usually, if you choose a basic “free” theme it will have many of the pages every website already needs to have:

    • Home (see below how I set this up)
    • About (see below how I set this up)
    • Contact (see below how I set this up)
    • Shop (see below how I set this up)
    • Blog (see below how I set this up)

    All you have to do is go through each page and customize the text to your brand’s look and feel. Plus, you might need to add these pages to your menus!

    ✅ Home Page

    For Vernard’s VMLvibes Home Page on his website, I made sure we added his brand colors and chose a similar font. We added sections for newsletter email list sign up, about, shop, blogs, and contact. This can be customized even more once we have more content or products, services, and features as needed! We can also decide to install a Custom Theme to change the entire look and feel of the website overall.

    The Home Page is the MAIN PAGE and the first impression most people see of you, your business, and your brand!

    ✅ About Page

    Since we already filled out Vernard’s Branding blueprint Spreadsheet to create his Branding Kit all we had to do was copy and paste his “about Section” (the same one we trimmed down to write his social bio and tagline — copy and paste it on to the About Page of his Website!

    ✅ Contact Page

    I also set up a Contact Page with a contact form for Vernard on the VMLvibes website and added it to the Menu tabs!

    ✅ Setting Up Shop

    Another part of setting up Vernards VMLvibes website was the shop page and products. The shop was installed during the GoDaddy Managed WordPress Set-Up Process (if you followed my instructions above and selected that you wanted to sell digital or physical products aka ALL the options)

    Either way, if you don’t have a shop on your WordPress website you can install the Woo Commerce Plugin for FREE along with a few other “recommended options” to help your “shop” function with some of the other plugins and programs we have or will eventually install during this post/process.

    ✅ Setting Up The BLOG(s)

    Not only did we set up the blog page for VMLvibes but we also had to create the blog posts so that the page could come to life! I wanted to aim for SEO (search engine optimized) keyword-heavy topics that surrounded the topic of “Love” and Positivity. I made sure to include keywords in the TITLE, BODY, and TAGS of each blog post.

    I already know what you’re going to ask me: Brandi how did you come up with those blog post ideas? To be honest, Vernard’s “About Section” + what he told me about himself, his business, and his vision for his brand when we created his Branding Kit helped me create the Content For his Blog and Social Media Post, aka the rest of his Brand!

    This is why I stress to everyone how important it is to go through each of these steps and not skip the most important and FIRST part which is putting together your Branding Kit as it makes the rest of the process FAST, EASY, & EFFORTLESS!

    We also used a lot of the same information to fill out what I have for my clients called their “Content Creator Cheatsheet”

    ✅ Set-Up Menus

    After you’ve created your pages and made sure they’re showing up on your menus… This may change but so far we added tabs for the following pages:

    • About
    • Blog
    • Shop
    • Contact
    • Newsletter

    💰 COST:

    For setting up the website with the tasks completed, here’s a breakdown of what I’d typically charge based on the complexity and time involved. My rates also take into account my experience, the additional work I did, such as adding images, customizing text and colors, setting up payment info, and essentially delivering a fully functioning website with an integrated shop and business setup, so the price reflects the complexity and value provided.

    Here’s a breakdown:

    1. Domain Setup – $30–$60
    2. Managed WordPress Setup – $150–$250
    3. Customizing Theme (Creating Images, Adding Text, Adjusting Colors, etc…) – $200–$300
    4. Setting Up Pages (Home, About, Contact, Shop, Blog) – $300–$400
    5. Setting Up Shop (with payment integration) – $500–$800
    6. Setting Up Blog & Writing Content (SEO, Thumbnails, etc…) – $150–$250
    7. Adding, Connecting & Testing Plugins – $300–$500

    Total: $1,880–$3,060

    I might adjust these prices based on my hourly rate, the complexity of the client’s needs, or I’ll offer package pricing. And, Consider additional fees for future updates or plugins aka ongoing maintenance.

    ✅ Custom Merch Design & Website Integrations (Printful Set Up)

    We also set up a Printful Store and Integrated It with Vernard’s VMLvibes WordPress Website with a few plugins i.e. Printful, WooCommerce, etc…)

    These products can be created in Printful and Automatically Synced to the VMLvibes SHOP Page for people to purchase online!

    I created all the designs (t-shirts, mugs, hats, bags, water bottles, etc…) uploaded them, and also set up the Printful Integration for WooCommerce on the VMLvibes Shop via their WordPress website. so not only did I set up the shop but I designed and created all the custom merch, plus installed all the other recommendations, necessary plugins, set up payment info, etc… I created a full-blown STORE and handed it over to Vernard so all he had to do was sell the products (plus continue to create more designs).

    I used Canva to create the logo and used it as a template for all the custom merchandise designs. You can always add more designs for FREE and the best part about Printful is you NEVER have to take any orders, or buy and hold, ship, etc… and merchandise yourself. It’s all drop ship and you just pay a fee out of the profit someone pays you to buy say a custom Tee! Plus, you get to set your prices! 😉

    💰 COST:

    To sign up and use both Canva and the Printful service itself you can do it yourself for FREE! But, if you decide to save your time and money by hiring someone like myself to help here’s how I go about determining what to charge for setting up a full Printful store, including design creation, integration with WooCommerce, and configuring the necessary plugins, here are a few factors to consider:

    1. Time and Complexity:
      • Design creation: If you’re designing multiple items like t-shirts, mugs, hats, bags, and water bottles, estimate the time needed per design. Custom designs could range from simple graphics to intricate illustrations.
      • Store setup: Integrating Printful with WooCommerce, configuring the WordPress site, adding payment gateways, and ensuring all plugins work properly takes additional time.
    2. Skill and Expertise:
      • Your expertise with Printful, WooCommerce, WordPress, and design work allows you to charge more for high-quality execution.
      • Including branding elements or custom merchandising features could add value.
    3. Market Rates:
      • Basic setup (no designs): Typically ranges from $500-$1,000.
      • Design creation + full setup: Since you’re offering custom designs, this could bring the rate up to $1,500-$3,000 or higher, depending on the number of designs and level of customization.
    4. Additional Value:
      • Offering ongoing support, maintenance, or future updates could justify a higher price.
      • If you provide professional-quality mockups, descriptions, and SEO optimization for the products, you can further increase the price.

    Example Pricing Structure:

    • Basic Setup (Printful + WooCommerce integration): $500-$800
    • Design per item (including t-shirts, mugs, etc.): $50-$200 each, depending on complexity
    • Full Package (Shop + Custom Merch + Plugins/Payment): $1,500-$3,000, with room to scale based on the number of designs and complexity.

    I might also consider offering tiered packages for different levels of service (basic, premium, deluxe) to provide flexibility for different clients.

    ✅ Email List Set Up & Website Integration

    We used MailChimp to set up Vernard’s email list for VMLVibes both as a stand alone “Newsletter Sign Up Form Landing Page” and as a “Pop-Up Form” on his website for desktop and a “Sticky Header Sign Up Bar” for Mobile Devices.

    I also set up an RSS Feed email to go out every time there is a new blog post on the VMLvibes website blog (automatically)!

    And of course, I integrated MailChimp to work with WooComerce and WordPress for things like abandoned carts, newsletters, pop-ups, etc… via integrations and plug-ins on the backend of the website.

    • Initial MailChimp Account Setup
    • Newsletter Sign-Up Form
    • Pop-Up From for Website & Mobile
    • Welcome Email
    • Email Template
    • RSS Email
    • Website (integrations: WooCommerce, MailChimp Plugins)

    You can take a look at the >> VMLVibes NEWSLETTER HERE<<

    💰 COST:

    For a service package that includes setting up a Mailchimp email list, initial Mailchimp account setup, a newsletter sign-up form, a welcome email template, an RSS email to send blog posts automatically, and full integration with WordPress (including plugins like WooCommerce and Mailchimp), I consider charging based on the complexity of the setup and the value it adds to the client.

    Here’s a pricing breakdown to guide you:

    1. Initial Mailchimp Account Setup – $100–$150
    2. Newsletter Sign-Up Form Setup – $50–$100
    3. Creating a Welcome Email Template – $75–$150
    4. Setting up RSS Email Automation – $100–$150
    5. WordPress & WooCommerce Integration – $150–$250

    Total package range: $475–$800

    I also adjust the pricing based on the client’s specific needs, the level of customization, and how much ongoing support is expected. If it’s a more comprehensive or hands-on project, I might want to factor in additional time or offer tiered packages with different service levels.

    ✅ Testing, Fail, Grow, Repeat!

    Now, we are in the “testing phase” — this is the time to review everything we’ve put together and see what is working, what is not, where we need to make adjustments and move on! So one of the things we did was head over to the website SHOP Page and place an order to see if all the systems worked properly! Also, we wanted to get a physical order of the merchandise we designed and created in our hands! As well as be able to share with others and get their feedback!

    So that’s where the story ends…. or should I say BEGINS That’s EXACTLY How I Started A Very Much Loved Successful Business Blog (And How You Can Too!)

    💰 COST:

    For this comprehensive client package, which includes everything from business setup to branding, social media, website creation, and ongoing testing, I charge based on the complexity, the number of services, and the expertise involved. Here’s a pricing breakdown:

    1. Getting Set Up & Organized:
      • Gmail, Chrome browser setup, syncing, saving passwords, and organizing Google Drive/Workspace.
      • Cost: $200 – $400.
    2. Branding Kit:
      • Business name, tagline, bio, About page, hashtags/keywords, brand colors/fonts, and logo design.
      • Cost: $600 – $1,000.
    3. Social Media Setup:
      • Account setup, securing handles, audit, headers/banners, avatar/profile adjustments, bio, and content/posts creation.
      • Cost: $500 – $1,200 (depending on the number of platforms and content).
    4. LinkTree Setup:
      • “One Page Website” setup.
      • Cost: $100 – $150.
    5. Website Setup (WordPress):
      • GoDaddy reseller account, domain, Managed WordPress setup, theme customization, plugins, pages (Home, About, Contact, Shop, Blog), and menus.
      • Cost: $1,200 – $2,500.
    6. Custom Merch Design & Printful Website Integration:
      • Designing merch and integrating Printful with the website.
      • Cost: $400 – $700.
    7. Email List Setup & Website Integration:
      • Email setup and integration with the website.
      • Cost: $300 – $500.
    8. Testing, Fail, Grow, Repeat:
      • Ongoing testing and optimization.
      • Cost: $300 – $600 (for iterative testing and feedback).

    Total Estimated Package Price:

    I would price this entire package between $3,600 to $6,850, aka $4,000 to $7,000 (and UP) depending on the level of customization, the number of social media platforms, and the amount of content creation involved. Depedning don’t he client socope fo the project and situation I’ll offer a tiered pricing structure with basic, standard, and premium options to give flexibility to the client.

    If I were to give the client a straight-up price for the entire package without breaking it down further, I would suggest $5,500 aka $6,000 as a fair and comprehensive price. This covers all aspects of the setup, branding, social media, website, and email list integration, plus the time and effort required for testing and refinement. It’s a solid midpoint between the lower and upper range estimates, offering value while accounting for the amount of work involved.

    Ongoing Maintenance & Creation

    For ongoing maintenance and content creation, I might offer a monthly retainer that covers various tasks like blog posts, social media management, email campaigns, and custom merch design. Here’s a possible breakdown for the ongoing services:

    Monthly Retainer Breakdown:

    1. Website Maintenance:
      • Plugin updates, minor tweaks, security, and performance checks.
      • Cost: $200 – $400/month.
    2. Blog Post Creation:
      • Writing and publishing 4-8 posts per month (depending on length and research needed).
      • Cost: $400 – $1,000/month (depending on frequency and post length).
    3. Social Media Management:
      • Content creation (e.g., posts, graphics, captions), scheduling, and engagement for 2-3 platforms.
      • Cost: $500 – $1,200/month (depending on the number of platforms and posting frequency).
    4. Email Marketing:
      • Creating email campaigns, managing lists, and sending newsletters (2-4 per month).
      • Cost: $300 – $600/month.
    5. Custom Merch Designs:
      • Designing new merchandise and updating Printful/Shop with new products.
      • Cost: $200 – $500/month (based on design needs and updates).

    Suggested Monthly Retainer:

    For a full-service package covering all these elements, I might charge $1,500 to $3,000/month, depending on the level of involvement, frequency of content creation, and the number of services required each month. This offers flexibility based on the client’s needs and budget while ensuring I’m compensated fairly for the time and effort involved.

    Suggested Coaching Pricing:

    If I’m shifting to a coaching role, guiding the client on how to use the foundation I’ve set up, I might charge a retainer or package based on the time and support I provide. This model would focus on consulting, offering strategy advice, answering questions, and helping them troubleshoot rather than executing the tasks yourself.

    1. Monthly Coaching Retainer:
      • 1:1 Coaching Calls (Weekly or Bi-Weekly): Offering guidance on using their website, creating content, managing social media, emails, merch design, etc.
      • Email/Chat Support: Ongoing support via email or messaging for troubleshooting and quick questions.
      • Cost: $500 – $1,000/month (depending on the number of calls, duration, and support level).
    2. Hourly Coaching Sessions:
      • For clients who prefer ad-hoc guidance, you can charge an hourly rate.
      • Cost: $100 – $200/hour (depending on your expertise and the depth of the coaching).
    3. Project-Based Coaching:
      • Offer specific coaching packages, such as:
        • Content Strategy Coaching (helping with blog posts, social media calendars).
        • Tech Coaching (guiding them through website updates, email campaigns).
      • Cost: $300 – $1,000/package (depending on the scope).

    Straightforward Coaching Package:

    For instance: A $750/month coaching retainer could include weekly calls and ongoing email support, providing the client with continuous guidance as they take over the day-to-day tasks. I adjust the pricing based on how much time and effort the client needs.

    Keep in mind you can do pretty much all of this yourself for FREE! But again some people prefer to save their time and would rather spend money to have someone else do this for them (because FREE isn’t always FAST & EASY)! 😉

    🙋‍♀️ ABOUT ME:

    If we haven’t officially met Hi, I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be blogger, Female Entrepreneur, and Digital Nomad who LOVES RV Living, since it keeps me close to Nature! All though you can catch me from time to time on an airplane, in a hotel, Airbnb, as I can WORK FROM ANYWHERE not just my RV. I’m also an all-natural, introverted, God Fearing, Rescue Dog Mom, but most importantly a Writer and Creator! Plus, you might not know I have a Finance Degree and am licensed in Master Cosmetology! I believe you can have many passions, create multiple streams of income, and don’t have to conform to the norm! Learn more ABOUT ME!

    Got Questions? I’ve got answers… don’t be afraid to reach out and CONTACT ME 🙋‍♀

    📌 Don’t Miss A Thing…

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