BOSS CONFESSIONS – WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE A BOSS. Today, I have a few confessions to make as a BOSS running multiple companies, making YouTube videos and now adding #VEDA to my daily agenda! I thought I’d share what goes through my head both the ups and downs of my entrepreneur life.
Video Transcript:
00:00:00 this week has been super crazy I literally had to kick naine out of the room so that I could record because I want to make sure that I’m getting these Vlogs out every day so in honor of v i Am vlogging every day for the month of August it’s been really challenging because I don’t Vlog every day and I’m having to Vlog edit and publish and I feel like I’m going down so normally I record my videos in bulk and schedule them out and I hire someone to help me and it’s been a little bit hectic to try to get these
00:00:31 out but I’m here and I’m Vlogging Brandy and if you don’t know me make sure that you hit that subscribe button below this video somewhere and make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel because we’re vlogging every day and you’re going behind the scenes with me in my life and this craziness that way so this is what we’re doing on Thursday is unloading our London taxi cab so I told you we had a really big special car coming and this is what we’re doing is unload our 1987 London taxi this is great this is
00:01:05 kind of my studio office here in Atlanta and I have an RV that we travel in and I figured today we’d have a little bit of a confession it’s been so crazy this week first I will tell you that things go wrong for everyone okay so that’s what’s what see is exactly what I’m talking about things go wrong for all of us so I’m not perfect when I record I’m not perfect in my business and I’m leaning into you because I had this microphone I was trying to plug it into my iPhone and then I was like okay why can’t I plug this in and by the way
00:01:40 it’s like 7:30 in the morning but my iPhone doesn’t have a plug for this so the new iPhone 10x I mean it’s not new for me I’ve had it since like Christmas I didn’t know that you couldn’t plug those in I haven’t even tried to have headphones with it and maybe if I did I had these Bluetooth headphones so I never really thought about it so I was getting ready to record this video and I didn’t want to be all in your face I was trying to back up and be out here so it is what it is and I was getting ready to
00:02:06 record some videos today for a new course that I’m launching I do have my camera and I can set it up but sometimes I record certain things on my phone if it’s kind of behind the scenes or a little bit of Boll so that went wrong for me I know that’s not a big whoopty do I tried to open a bank account this week and they told me oh by the way one of your businesses isn’t registered in the state that you’re trying to open the bank account in because one of your people didn’t re-register you every year
00:02:30 that was news to me what else happened this week the RV barely fit in the spot that we were trying to fit it in I thought I was going to have some help come help me this week and they didn’t show up things don’t always go well for me either there’s a lot of positive things we got the taxi cab but then there comes all the registration that goes along with it and for me I’m always in a business mindset so when we were riding around in the taxi this week people were saying oh my gosh that’s so cool can I get it can I get your number
00:02:58 and I was thinking see this exactly why we need our stickers on here and our Instagram and all of our stuff set up already that way people are tagging it so that’s kind of like the business side of me it’s not really confessions but yeah this is like what goes through my head I try to keep everything on calendar I’ve got to get videos out for our Verity there’s one left that’s going out but I’ve got to record the rest well I have some recorded but somebody said something about the fact that I was
00:03:26 wearing winter clothes in one of the videos thank God the video is coming out next week is in summer clothing so that was a little like oh my gosh but people record videos in all kinds of climates I guess you should think about when you’re going to release them I met with my accountant this week she freaked me out I thought I was going to have a huge capital gain tax on house that I sold several years ago by the way my taxes have just been a mess because opening a business you kind of learn like what to
00:03:55 do what not to do so that’s always been fun learning that thankfully I have a good friend of mine the trce that does my taxes and we used to work together when I first started my career in accounting so I used to work for an accountant and I was doing Accounting in taxes and payroll tax returns and the funny thing is now I have no idea how to do them so yeah you hire people for that hire people for videos hire people for taxes hire people for editing blog posts so I transcribe my videos using a
00:04:26 transcription service I try to hire people for scheduling out my my social media I try to hire people to help me communicate on social media so it’s been a little hectic cuz I do have a team but it’s not solid and the other thing is I have L and Brandy and I have blab boss and then I have ambe exchange which is a completely different business model and then I have the rving which is kind of I don’t want to say more like a hobby but I handle it all myself I’ve got courses that have come out I have a website
00:04:53 course that I launch I have an email course that I launch I have a social media and YouTube course that are coming out seller course that is coming out I have a branding course I’ve already launched and this is all within like the last 30 days and I would say within the last 3 weeks this is what I do on a daily basis not successfully being ran or accomplished it’s just paying the bills and that’s not what I like I have people banging down my door saying can you help me I would love to help you but
00:05:20 I need you to pay me money money money I put I put that money back in my purse cuz I needed to keep it the one I was flashing around the other day but but yeah I mean we all have our struggles and one of the struggles I have is probably putting a price tag on my value people ask me to work for free all the time and I’ve literally had to tell people no no no I can make videos for you and your products all day but if you don’t want to pay me it doesn’t really benefit me what’s the point of me making
00:05:47 the video for you so I can get a free product I don’t need a free product I can buy it myself I do love free products but I also like getting paid for my talents people ask me to make tutorial videos for their products their services and then they say hey I’ll pay you later or I’ll give you a affiliate commission and to me I’ve put in a lot of work to do that so I’m not going to do that which I made a video about why I don’t work for free the other day what else is on this calender that I can tell
00:06:08 you I need to reply to emails and social I suck at replying to email and social I catch it and I see it and if it’s really important I reply but I’m not 100% amazing at it we got an order out for The 8 Hour account and I’ve been really trying to catch up on sleep this week so I’ve been jet lagged not myself I went to the do the last time we came in town because I was thinking oh my gosh I have something wrong with me and then she was like no you’re probably just tired I don’t really get as much sleep as I
00:06:35 should my body clock is just off so you know I have to record in and out of where I’m at and I make the best of it but honestly showing up is better than showing off it’s more about being consistent so even though these videos may not make it out at the same time every day at least they’re going out and I can say that I did them at the end of the 30 days and it’s more of a accomplishment for me to see what I’m doing and I’m actually just documenting it for you so that you can learn behind the scenes yeah so I want to hear your
00:07:05 questions what questions do you have about my business about any of this craziness that I’m talking about have you been watching my Vlogs do you enjoy my RV life did you have fun hanging out in RT I don’t know what questions do you have about behind the scenes of my life I haven’t had my coffee normally I go have my coffee and then be like awake not much going on actually there’s a lot going on I don’t even know how to tell you that we surviv this right now it’s crazy I am blogging Brandy thank you for
00:07:32 watching my channel and I don’t know if I’ve told you this but if you want to start a blog or a business of your own I’ve been putting links to some of the cheat sheets that I have and somebody actually asked me about branding the other day so I’ll put a link to that below this video so you can check it out I’m putting my cheat sheets these are things that I’ve created for other people that have asked me they help you kind of walk through your business I’m trying to remember to put all of this down in the description in these Vlogs
00:08:00 but the best way to keep up is to subscribe to this Channel and hit that little red button that says subscribe and hit that notification button so that you’re notified each and every time that I publish one of these videos whether it’s Saturday morning or Friday night or Monday morning or Thursday afternoon or in the RV or in the car but these Vlogs are going out and you don’t want to miss them so I’m blogging Brandy thanks for watching and subscribing make sure to check the descriptions below this video
00:08:27 follow me on social and peace out I will see you tomorrow [Music]
- ✅ START A BUSINESS 👉 http://bit.ly/bbStartUpCk
- ✅ BRAND YOUR BUSINESS 👉 http://bit.ly/BossBrandingKit
- ✅ GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST 👉 http://bit.ly/bbHowToBuild
🎓 My COURSES: https://bloggingbrandi.com/product-category/courses/
- @RVersity 🎥 http://bit.ly/RVersityYTSUB
- @BLABoss 🎥 http://bit.ly/BLABossYTSub
🔗 Oh and here is a link to the EIGHT-HOUR ENERGY PATCHES I mentioned 🔗
If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…
If you can relate please don’t hesitate to WATCH this video, hit that like button and drop a comment below to let me know! And, of course, Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel HERE!
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🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!
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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.