[MY STORY] How I decided to Become A Solo Female Digital Nomad (NOT always RV Living) Entrepreneur!
[MY STORY] How I decided to Become A Solo Female Digital Nomad (NOT always RV Living) Entrepreneur!
If we haven’t officially met, Hi I’m Blogging Brandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & Female Entrepreneur! (aka Female Digital Nomad Entrepreneur or Nomadic Entrepreneur).
But it wasn’t until I shared my story about WHY I decided to start Solo Female RV Living and how I ended up Full Time Stationary RV Living (also referred to as RV Park Living or even Trailer Park Living 😉 that I began to understand how God was trying to use me!
And you might be surprised to find out that I did NOT plan to start out RV Living Full Time as an RV Entrepreneur! And I’m NOT ALWAYS Living in an RV! I actually began learning How to be a digital nomad first!
So if you’ve been dreaming about Solo Female Digital Nomad RV Living or wondering How to become a digital nomad then this video is for you! Since I’m sharing all the ups and downs that have come from Full Time RV Living and balancing running an online business as a Female Digital Entrepreneur.
Here is the WRITEN version of MY STORY as well since I originally wrote this in a letter 😉
It’s 2:42am and the anxiety is killing me! I feel like there is this voice and inner person trapped inside of me that needs to be let free! So many people follow me because of my RV and some because of what I share about entrepreneurship, starting an online business etc… Some people might even call me a YouTuber, but the truth is there are so many other parts of me!
So if we haven’t officially met, I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & more than just an RV Living Female Entrepreneur!
For the past 5 years all I’ve talked about is my RV life but I’m a digital nomad, dog mom, girlfriend of 8 years, and live a life most people only dream of. However, I can promise there are “rich people problems” and “poor people problems” — the anxiety caused by them is all the same.
Sadly enough when the rich people lose the poor ones cheer and they call those “Sexy crimes” — after you get featured on the 5 o’clock local news for a $500,000 Ferrari being stolen you’ll figure that out. No one cares! In fact, they laugh and cheer.
I’ve met and worked with A LOT of different people over the years but it wasn’t until I told my story about why I decided to live in an RV publicly on YouTube that I began to understand why God was trying to use me!
I talked about how I grew up the product of a divorced family. I still remember the day my mom sat me down in our sun room at the time while I was in 4th Grade to tell me how my dad would be leaving. I know I was upset but oh boy I had no idea how that conversation would change the course of my life.
From then on I never trusted men again. My dad was cheating on my mom and it literally tore our whole family apart.
I always wonder why men can’t keep their p* In their pants with one woman? Maybe actually try to work on things like yourself because the unclaimed emotional baggage still stays the same no matter what woman you decide to be with! Same goes for girls too I suppose since I assume not all think like me — cherishing the day I get to be a wifey with a big a$$ rock on my finger and I would say a rose but I already get those 😉
Either way I do have dreams but I can’t deny my country roots because where I come from is dirt roads. My Dad told me stories about how he made $5 a day growing up!
And to be clear My Dad, Mom, boyfriend and family are all great people but they play a huge role in my story so I don’t want to paint them as bad — we all come from different backgrounds and experiences though I’ll say that. This is just MY VIEW of how things have played out… Everyone has their own side of things.
But, About a week ago I returned to the place most of my family calls home. It kinda of made me cry looking at the life I left behind. Yet if what had happened had not had happened we’d probably never have made it out! I would never have had the experiences I’ve had and would NOT be telling you this story now…
I still remember all the trips out there (to “the country”) to see them for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the decoration of my grandparents graves I’ve never met before…
My dad would always come pick up my brother and me (Late as always) then we would make the 2.5 hour drive from Georgia to Alabama for the family festivities. Stay for the weekend and return to Moms also known as home.
I even spent the summers out in “the country” when I was younger. I had a favorite cousin — she was so pretty, seemed to have the best parents, and the perfect life. So when she decided to be a cosmetologist I wanted to follow in her footsteps.
I always felt like the outcast of our family since we moved away and didn’t get to see each other everyday. But I remember one of those rides back to “the country” and how my dad was so upset I didn’t want to go to college so he made jokes the whole way pointing out mobile homes and trailer parks saying “Brandi I bet a cosmetologist lives there”…
Thankfully I did go on to pursue my dream at the time, got my cosmetology license while I was still in high school and by the age of 18 I was a fully licensed master cosmetologist! I had so many hair jobs back then… yet here we are going on almost 20 years later, I’m still a licensed cosmetologist but it’s only something I do for friends and family (rarely).
However the jokes my dad made plus the begging and pleading from my older hairdressing coworkers convinced me to go back to college. So in my early 20s, I did pursue a Degree in Finance.
Which led me to my first “real” job. Up until then I had tons of 6 month or less shift jobs jobs working at gyms, department and drug stores.
So now, I landed a 9–5 part time job working for one of my professors at his accounting firm. We always had to turn in our scratch paper for exams and he was fascinated by mine. I do have a weird way of dissecting and working out word problems. lol
But, the job he offered me gave me benefits, paid vacations, 401k matches, health insurance if I wanted it but didn’t need since I was still so young I could be on my parents healthcare plan!
I even remember turning 21 while I was working there. I had my own office, a personal phone line…
Things were all great that was until one day I had a conversation with my professor and he mentioned if I didn’t want to be an accountant I should pursue my other dreams. Shortly after the other boss “lady” offered me a raise with more perks….
I was probably 22–23 at the time so I did what any normal girl would do! I turned down her offer and quit my job! Then, since I was still in college I joined a sorority (oh and changed my major from accounting to Finance — because taxes and payroll were too BORING for me!)
Looking back that was one of my best years ever!
I did try to cut hair while going to college until I got that first 9 — 5 accounting job and have returned to my cosmetology roots over the years when needed. But after I got my degree it was hard to ever work in a salon again. One, because of the drama and two because I knew I could make waaaaayyyyy more money faster with jobs that required my finance degree! — Plus it’s not a great conversation starter “oh hey just cutting hair here on the side since I have a degree in finance and balling a$$ job somewhere else I go to when I’m not here”… I was literally servicing the person instead of being the one getting serviced!
But it was the people I’ve met and the relationships I’ve forged that led me to each job, or step on my journey. My biggest one being the job I took working for one of the largest financial institutions in the world.
So while finishing college it became apparent I also needed to get a few other licenses (Series 7, 66 and a few insurance licenses to sell annuities and variable products) which I did while obtaining my degree! Eventually though I was all licensed up and landed a few other financial gigs in between from selling bonds, mutual funds, financial planning, and stock trading etc…
But it was those jobs and those relationships that got me the BIG 9–5 job with the title, the fancy car, my first house, etc… I had “the life” I thought I had made it!
In fact, I was doing such a good job I automated my entire teams task list for the next year! I automatically sent out birthday gifts, had meeting calendars booked up for the entire year, even brought in an intern to show the ropes! All though I loved my interns that might have been part of my downfall.
When you know your worth and you start to demand it in terms of more $$$ then I can see why it might be easier to cut me out than keep me. So one shade day one boss left on vacation while the other had just got back after being gone for a month and that’s the day they decided to fire me (or “lay me off” was how they put it to me). I was so upset. I’m pretty sure I cried.
I wasn’t sure what to say I was still in my mid 20s and trying to figure out how to handle that job plus balance my codependent “relationship” behind the scenes at the time!
When my boss hired me he said I’d have a target on my back because I was the youngest female and highest paid in the office but I still feel like it was a crock of crap that they said they let me go because they couldn’t afford me — ya know along with those vacations, the new in-ground pool, the $400,000 private school tuition for your 5 year old! Oh and the Maserati you just bought let’s not forget that!
What they did to me was shady. The interns got paid out of the bank’s book which was free for them and I got paid out of the money we — I mean ME actually brought in! I only got more money if I made the team more money! Needless to say as soon as my intern got licensed they canned me!
But it was a blessing in disguise because I was already preparing my resume and looking at other options GOD just decided to make the decision for me since I wasn’t doing it fast enough or he knew I never would! Again it was my first BIG job so I was scared to leave!
Either way, I ended up using that job and them canning me to gain a better position in the same company different department. A much BIGGER position! I went from dealing with people who had $100,000 maybe a $1 million in the bank to trading BILLIONS of dollars at the push of ONE little button!
I truly believe God showed these things to me then so I wouldn’t be shocked for where I’m at now. You have to know how to compose yourself and communicate with people at different places in life especially different financial levels. They have a saying “another level, another devil” and that is sooooo true! Some people might even say “More money, more problems!”
So I lost one job but the blessing was a got another with more money $$$$ than I had ever made before! I’m talking SIX $$$$$$ figures! Plus I didn’t have to drive 2 hours a day anymore to get to work! I actually was able to buy my first home in the city (a condo) and walk to work!
NOW I had it made!
But after a few years in the same checklist 9–5 job, listening to the news 24/7, and investing BILLIONS of dollars in other people’s money all while still dealing with my relationship woes I knew there had to be something more… this wasn’t my story I wasn’t happy I never wanted to be in finance anyway it was my dad’s dream!!!
I call it my Sara Blakely moment! If you know her she’s one of my idols, the CEO and creator of Spanx. Not because I actually need to wear them but because of how she made it from selling fax machines door to door to realizing it wasn’t her story and becoming an outspoken female entrepreneur and BILLIONAIRE! I actually live so close to her you have no idea how many times we’ve probably crossed paths. I’ve dreamed of the day I get to dine with her for dinner. I’m such a #FANGIRL you have no idea 😉
Now, let’s be real my mom has always been the supporter and loving while my dad was more about making a living and all about money. BUT It was at that moment when I knew I was about to quit my job I was TAKING BACK what was stolen from me and MY dreams!
Remember I told you it was my dads decision to cheat and leave that led the rest of us down a path of self destruction, low self esteem and self worth. It was that decision that caused my mom to look for love in all the wrong places and settle for losers!
I’ll never forget her next husband and my stepdad at the time who encouraged me to have intercourse at the age of 14! And, After telling him how it made me feel, I thought he would protect me and tell me no boys shouldn’t do that to girls but instead after self reflecting I think he was just dreaming about the day he or one of his friends could be with me more “intimately.” So by the age of 16 him and my mom were headed for divorce and little did I know that too would change the course of my life again…
So yeah in between looking like a straight A student and dong all the right things for the rest of the world to see… secretly inside I was holding on to a bad what I wish was a dream! But it wasn’t! IT was a DEEP DARK SECRET that would send me in and out of mental institutions, bad relationships with men, on and off pills, and into a dark depression turned want to be suicidal incident at one time!
At the age of 16 on one 4th of July eve I remember being at my stepfather’s best friend’s house and his wife had just had a baby… I woke up to find him on top of me and omg I get chills even writing about it because I froze. The saying is true it’s Flight or Fight response! I was trying to scream so loud but the words wouldn’t come out. I just remember when he finally stopped and I sat there scared thinking… is he still awake, or watching and how do I get out of this house!
After it was all over there were so many things that transpired. My mom called the police and I tried to tell my story to my stepdad and the only response I got was “what do you want me to do about it.” WOW just WOW that was my dad for a good part of my life!
But, I’ll say that wasn’t the man that raised me not the one I knew. It was obvious after his own personal tragedies in life that he wasn’t the same person either. We lost my stepbrother (his son) a few years earlier in a bad car accident. He was forever changed. He drank a lot of Beer everyday I couldn’t even tell you how many.
But the ironic part is my mom got him from the trailer park! Lol And, he ended up having a “rap sheet” and bad money problems then one day decided to cheat on my mom and leave. The woman that SAVED him! The woman that PAID for ALL his dreams to happen, the woman that did everything a wife should except confront him about his progressively mischievous activities!
My mom is the nicest, sweetest, kindest and most giving person I know BUT that is where I think my codependent tendencies come from. “You teach people how to treat you” and boy did I teach men how to treat me over the years! And women!
People do what you let them do to you!
I can’t tell you the number of people that have used and abused me. I’m always the smart one everyone wanted on their team but 2nd choice when it came to hanging out or having relationships with. It was like people knew they could count on me so I was always their back up plan. Never got invited to parties or even on dates. I was a bit of a tom boy at the time though.
I’ve said yes so many times when I meant NO! But it wasn’t until I found myself in my late 20s crying about how men have abused me over the years from telling me what to wear, how to die my hair, and everything in between! — I was literally sitting in the psychiatrist doctors office balling my eyes out telling him how I had all these problems in my life…
My boyfriend’s job,
My boyfriend’s kid,
My boyfriend’s money problems,
My boyfriend’s everything!!!!
Here I am with this amazing job and career yet behind the scenes my life is failing once again because of a man! But it was that day I learned the word… codependency!
This doctor stopped me from talking and said you keep telling me about how your trying to take care of everyone else’s problems but your own! I mean he was sooooo right why was I in my 20s taking care of a grown man with a kid! WTF!?!
He would call me every day with a new crisis and needed money for random things! I would be at work and just dread seeing his text or hearing the phone ring! I lived on eggshells. I even helped him after he got fired start his own company but yet he never gave me a dime or recognition for anything.
Maybe it was the fact I was white and he was black because he only listed his family on his website (I built) who didn’t do s* to help him start that company! He wouldn’t even let me go to any of their family gatherings and after 3 years of dating refused to introduce me to his kid! We lived together I paid his child support but never met that F*in kid! He told me his family didn’t approve of him dating white women. Well welcome to my world B*ch you were the first black man I brought home to my family! And I had to have that awkward conversation of “hey Mom I’m dating a black man now” so yeah We all have to start somewhere!
But, I always dream of the day he gets his slice of justice for the $100,000+ he STOLE from me (him and his unsuspecting family)! The CRISIS they put me through was pure HELL for those thank god only what turned out to be a few years of my life!
Although he did teach me A LOT about how to USE Credit and My EXCELLENT CREDIT to get more! How to take out cash advances, how to get convenience checks and how to make late payments without being late or at least charged with a fee! So not only did he multiply my money problems and give me YEARS of DEBT to pay for HIS S*t show of a life while he refused to sell his condo(s) and cars to cover anything! It was all his pride! He wasn’t willing to loose his bad name but he was willing to tarnish mine!
But that doctor made me think! What is codependency? How did I become this way and better yet how do I change it? All these years I’ve just covered it up, shown up for work and tried to shine bright for the outside world to see. But in reality I’m just hiding this dark secret of s*tty relationships I’ve got going on behind the scenes.
Like the guy from Israel that pinched my Side and told me to loose weight, the same one who order me a vegetable plate at a steak house! Let it be known I’m a SMALL person 115–120 lbs soaking wet! Maybe 130 lbs on my heavy days! He lived in a BIG A$$ mansion and drove a VERY expensive Lamborghini at the time. Funny story my dad sent me a news article about the FBI investigating him and his shady business practices a few years after we broke up! Sadly his family was so sweet and love me! His mom even said once in broken English to me “my son is NO good for you! You are too good for him”! She even said come to Israel and visit her. Oh the memories of that family and what we went through on one Vegas vacation!
Or the Muslim man who was lying to me from the beginning about his religious practices. He hid me from his family and also his girlfriend he would go see after stopping by my house first! I learned a lot about dating outside your race and culture from how men have treated me. Somethings I didn’t Know because it wasn’t for me to! And some I was just naive, young and stupid! Like that Lexus he sold me that had been repainted from top to bottom with no history! That b* even knew my boss somehow and caused a lot of chaos with my job! It’s so crazy what happened from all that and how I didn’t get a bonus check because of some personal drama that had nothing to do with me just some Muslim / Indian family drama I didn’t even know knew each other or existed!!!!
Or the guy who invited me on vacation with his family at the last minute hoping I wouldn’t go? And said such God awful things about me for reasons I’ll never understand or know! But probably the explanation for why his nick name on his baseball jersey is “jerk” — needless to say he did what I wouldn’t have expected but should have which was sleep with my best friend at the time!
I could go on about all of my FAILED relationships and all the things “they did to me” but it’s really what I ACCEPTED! I allowed these people to treat me this way and I allowed them to stay in my life!
Fast forward to when I decided to quit my job and do me! We’ll not exactly…
Before I quit I had met someone who little did I know I’d spend The next 8 years of my life with… but it hasn’t been all unicorns and rainbows either…
See he is who pushed me to be an entrepreneur, quit my job and chase my dreams! Or should I say he pulled what was already lurking inside out of me! So not him himself but me watching him play video games all day with his friends and run a company! While I was working a 9–5 job everyday! I said to myself “if he can do it I can do it”!
So I started researching items to sell, online business ideas, and how I could make money selling my own product etc… then I stumbled across this webinar that showed me how to import and export items from china and how to resale items I found cheap at places like Walmart, goodwill etc for higher prices online called retail arbitrage.
Retail arbitrage is what allowed me to quit my BIG job! that was after my first business and BIG FAIL! Lesson learned don’t start a vape business or anything really for those over 18–21 as it’s all created red tape with ONLINE advertising. Oh and I failed because I did NOT smoke or vape and I had no idea who I was selling to! It was a $3000+ mistake and a LOT of time! But the BIGGEST learning lessons ever early on in my entrepreneurship career. I learned how to sell, create a website, brand a product, design a logo and so much more!
So again selling other peoples products via “retail arbitrage” is what allowed me to QUIT MY JOB! BUT it did take me 6 months to talk myself into doing it and prepare for my exit! Once I did though there was no turning back. That was Feb 18th of 2015…. who knew I’d end up going on to live in an RV! Better yet TEACHING others how to follow in my footsteps as a digital nomad and entrepreneur!
But see I didn’t quit my job, buy an RV and start a business. I quit my job to start a business and then my life changed which led me on to the next phase of my journey. I made a BIG decision that turned out to be a HUGE mistake!
I woke up one day feeling like I needed to do a few checks only to discover I was pregnant! Yes me B I was going to be a mom and I thought when I told my boyfriend he’d be well I’m not sure what I was expecting but definitely not what came out of his mouth…
I don’t remember his words for sure but I know what he meant and that was that I could NOT have that baby or his parents would freak out. The Indian parents who come from arranged marriages and the ones I’d never even met yet!
Here I am with this new business and thinking I’m doing everything right. And it was only the beginning of the nightmare that was to come.
For several weeks everyday we got up and went to a new doctor, pregnancy center, abortion clinic, therapists, church, Indian temple and friends searching for answers!
My boyfriend ran me around everywhere trying to convince me it was the right decision and I just remember one time we went to this church and told this lady we needed to talk to the pastor and why — then omg she told me how she and her husband had tried for many years and they couldn’t have kids! Yet here I am trying to decide what to do with mine.
But she found the pastor and he sat down to talk with us. He told me about how his wife had an abortion when she was younger and it made her cry to talk about it just like it does me every time! And he told me about how my Indian boyfriend didn’t know how to love me as a Christian the same way I was taught to love. I did NOT understand the magnitude of those words at the time but I do now.
I remember sitting in one of the abortion clinics looking around and feeling unsafe. Like this wasn’t a place for me and I’ll never forget when I told that pastor he replied because it’s Not.
It’s like God was trying to reach me and I was trying to find him but instead I was listening to the rest of the world and what they had to say!
I was so exhausted running around from place to place, this kid that wasn’t even here yet had become the focus of my everyday! My boyfriend made it a daily priority and I just wanted to run my little business I had started. I was so emotional and not able to comprehend what was going on.
He said so many things BAD and GOOD. Made so many promises and even mentioned at one point we could maybe give it up for adoption! He had no idea the emotional turmoil he was creating inside of me! My hormones were racing and I had no way to find relief. Not like he did while he chain smoked and hit the bottle slurring his words at me. I was SO SOBER and so present for everything!
There are all the RULES you’re suppose to follow when your pregnant — no cheese, no certain body creams, no alcohol, no pills, everything affects the baby! I felt like I had to FEEL everything! I couldn’t escape I was just in this amazing race for my life (and the life of my unborn baby). That’s was led me to wearing NO MAKEUP ever since, feeling comfortable in my own skin, and learn how to be all natural (even driving me to seek places off the grid!).
But, the one thing I wish is that I would’ve gone back home gotten away from the situation I lived in and gathered my thoughts instead I let pressure get to me until finally one day I gave in!
After several weeks maybe a month of pure BABY talk and all the bad things that would happen if I had it…
I sat there across the table from this man (a doctor) I didn’t Know who handed me a pill and said “here just swallow!” Then at that very moment my boyfriend said “WAIT! If you want to think on this for another day we can…” and omg all the fear and anxiety set in… I just said “NO give it to me I want this to be over… and I thought it would be… BUT It wasn’t! It was FAR FROM OVER!
For the next 48 hours, I was in labor and had to deliver a dead baby, my baby, our child! I regretted it the whole time and even looked up how to reverse the procedure while laying there in bed! It was the worse pain physically I’ve ever been through in my life. But afterward there was this silence…
For 2 months I bled and cried! My emotions were all over the place. In fact they have never been the same since. We tried to travel and forget what had happened. I even use to dress the dog up in baby clothes and feed it a bottle thinking that would satisfy the missing baby from my body and heart. It didn’t.
After that I started to read the Bible even more than I ever did before. I wanted forgiveness and was looking for healing. And while the travel definitely helped it also posed more problems like the fact I couldn’t operate my business from the road. Plus, I had tons of physical products to sell. My condo was like a warehouse and then I took some bad advice to rent an office space instead of staying lean while growing a young business! Oh and I was still an emotional WRECK inside! I remember shortly after I had the abortion or what I term as “Murdering my child” I tried to have intercourse with my boyfriend and just laid on top of him and cried. I lost a piece of me that day. Something he’ll never understand because it wasn’t his body that the baby was inside!
But it was during that time and after being on one of those trips I found a verse in the Bible talking about how God asked this man to sell his possessions so he could get God’s blessing and so that’s what I did! I started to sell everything so I could be closer to God. The possessions meant nothing but created tons of clutter and chaos in my life. I just wanted to have space and heal!
My boyfriend joked calling it a “lifestyle for sale” but I was in desperate need of a “lifestyle change”. So over the next year I downsized, listed my condo for sale and bought an RV to travel since it seemed to be the easiest way to travel with dogs and run a business.
Plus I thought my boyfriend was going to eventually proposed or we’d be looking for a place together etc so buying another house at the time wasn’t on my agenda!
I just wanted to heal and have my pups with me as I had two dogs at the time. So this moving and shaking and trying to run a business from the road led me to stop selling physical products and go more digital with my online business.
It is also around the same time when I said I wanted to start a blog and write kind of like what I’m doing now! But, I didn’t know what I was doing or how to get started. What to write about? Looking back I sent some of the creepiest messages on social media to people trying to figure it all out. lol
By the way, I didn’t have social media or wasn’t on it when I quit my job and started my first business! I had NO website, NO social media, No Brand, NOTHING online! I just used 3rd party platforms to sell my merchandise! So sales funnels and retargeting customers wasn’t’ even on my mind! I just knew how to MAKE MONEY! The social media game was forbidden while I was in corporate and all new to me at the time!
This is also when the name BLOGGING BRANDI was born! I still remember my boyfriend saying oh what are you going to do now start a blog and be “Blogging Brandi” lol — haters gonna hate! But, That’s how I got my name his stupid little comment created MY PERSONAL BRAND and what you know me as now “Blogging Brandi!” 😉
But again it’s not like I bought an RV and rode into the sunset with this amazing nomadic online business. I’ve had several business, tons of business ideas and multiple streams of income over the years. From retail arbitrage to writing books, affiliate marketing, developing mobile apps, selling my own products and services, making my own line of branded merchandise (t-shirts,, hats, mugs, etc… Creating online corses, coaching and so much more in between.
I worked for many others before I worked for myself. I didn’t create my empire overnight. In fact I NEVER would have started a website if one person hadn’t said to me “you have all these products on Amazon and on eBay but how do people know to come back to you and what do you even sell” — not his exact words but that’s when I knew I needed a website and a brand!
One conversation or business idea has always let to the next.
Because later I found my self sitting on an island in my brand knew RV trying to get my website started, but the guy I hired was telling me how his sister had just had a baby, how he needed more time and of course what crossed my mind — I was like a baby! I mean I had just lost mine and that’s why I was even on that d* island in my RV and you won’t help me tell my story! But he did in a weird way because in the middle of my melt down he said “Have you ever thought about making YouTube videos? You would be really good at that…” And that led me to YOU and YouTube! 🙂
I created it due to my life experiences and the fact that my story had bumpy roads like the Travel trailer I bought and totaled within less than 6 months of purchase! Or the van I’ve had two of since one was a lemon! Or that someone stole my last trailer which then led to me buying a motorhome.
Oh and how I’ve lived in a trailer park stationary for 3 years! Plus how I ended up there minus covid the main reason was still the same! I was waiting on a ring, looking for healing, and trying to build my business! Plus a series of unfortunate deaths in my family had me shaken. I was living in Las Vegas at the time and found myself so alone 2000 miles away from my family. One tragedy after another had me change my mind about traveling and kept me parked in that same RV Park for so long. But it also allowed me to focus!
I learned after 5 years of constant travel it’s hard to hold down roots or do some of things I wanted to do like start a dog rescue! I also learned you learn a lot about people when you’re stationary (especially in a trailer park or what some would like to call an RV Park). Although I still remember wondering when I got there why NONE of the residence NEVER LEFT!
When you’re on the road looking for an RV Park usually you’re NOT trying to find one with PERMANENT LONG TERM residents. But now I’ve been on both sides traveling and stationary RV living in the same spot for 3 years — so I see things a little different than most termed “RVers”.
Plus I have the ability to hop between houses and work from anywhere I want as a digital nomad. Like writing this blog I can be location independent.
Which all led to me selling my motorhome after it being parked for over 2 years! It took almost 6 months to officially sell but the fact I don’t have to make a $1000 month payment for something I’m not using for it’s intended purpose brings me great joy!
But, yeah I guess that’s where this all takes a bit of a twist since last year I sold my motorhome with EVERY intention of leaving the Trailer Park behind! I was ready for something new and different. I was tired of being a slave to the debt of the RV that NEVER moved anymore! Plus having a motorhome requires a lot of maintenance which doesn’t happen like it should when you’re parked for a while. But thank God the stars aligned and my motorhome is far from anywhere but missed in my mind!
So yeah my intention was to leave the trailer park and live between my mom and boyfriend’s but as luck would have it someone decided that they all the sudden wanted to get into RV life and buy a travel trailer to replace the motorhome with! Oh and then a van! So yeah I’ve just been supporting their dream of RV life over this past year! lol
But in honesty my dream at this point would be to own the RV park, trailer park or even just some land to live on! LOTS of land like 100 acres where there is no way to hear or see your neighbors! If you do not know NOISE, NEIGHBORS and RULES like landlords and HOAs drive me crazy!
Yet others look at my life and say how blessed I am to be where I am which I NEVER have denied. But, YES we all have a story and dark secrets hiding inside. So trust me I deal with all my own issues from addition, to abuse and alcoholics in my life! I’ve been on the road or on the run for many many years of my life and all because I’m Trying to control my situation! So most look at it as a trip or vacation but I see it as an escape to find peace and quiet.
But, after talking about my RV life for so long I thought it was only fair to let you know I am not perfect, may look rich, famous, and like a badass digital nomad female entrepreneur but there is MORE to me, my life and my personality!
Which is one why I’m so passionate about helping others do the same but more importantly why this year I’m so excited to start blogging and finally grow into what was started as my name @BloggingBrandi! #IYKYK
So yes I still have @RVersity and my RV life going on. In fact we just made a 1 month trip and 4000 mile journey doing the van life thing with 2 dogs and a cat in tow. But, I also have a lot more I want to share about entrepreneurship, my NON RV Life, and not just about my life but how to get you there so we’re one in the same!
This is why I wanted to tell you my story, why I not only started living in an RV, but how I became a digital nomad, female entrepreneur and started my online business. Plus how you can do it too!
So again if we haven’t officially met allow me to reintroduce myself:
Hi I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad and Entrepreneur who’s been Full Time RV Living while running my own business for the past 7 years!
BEFORE, I decided to start BLOGGING!…
I’ve actually been a licensed master cosmetologist for almost 17 years. I’ve also attended Kennesaw State University and acquired a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. Along with a few other financial and insurance licenses (Series 77, Series 6 etc…) IYKYK! Then, I worked a few BIG corporate gigs my last being with Bank of America Merrill Lynch for several years until I decided it wasn’t my passion.
I dabbled into several different business ideas. Deciding to write a few books, create several online courses, and develop a mobile app. Some people even call me an Influencer or YouTuber! But, I like to describe myself as a “Female Digital Nomad or better yet an RV Entrepreneur”
However, It wasn’t until I TOLD MY STORY that…
I began to understand why God was trying to use me! I’ve lived in high rises to the RV park (aka the Trailer Park)! And gone from Travel Trailers, to Van Life, to Motorhome Living! From expensive whips and trips I’ve traveled all over the world, but it was when I started stationary RV Living that I found my calling.
It’s because of that I can confidently say that I’m a Female Entrepreneur and Digital Nomad who LOVES RV Living Full Time, since it keeps me close to Nature! I’m also an all natural, introverted, God Fearing, Rescue Dog Mom, but most importantly a Writer and Creator! I believe you can have many passions, create multiple streams of income and that you don’t have to conform to the norm! But, it took me a long time to get there!
I help other creators who are tired of feeling stuck, unaccomplished, and even maybe an outcast from the rest of the world’s idea of “status quo” become confident in reaching their financial goals and gaining their independence — by learning how to communicate, use their story, and share the skills they have buried inside of them — ya know, instead of a working a “normal 9–5 or shift job” 😉
So if that sounds like you, then we need to talk! Check out what my clients have to say and apply to work with me so we can schedule a time to chat!
- You can BOOK A CALL with me!
- TAKE A COURSE of mine!
❤️ @BloggingBrandi
P.S. If you haven’t joined my secret fan club that I mentioned in the video you can find that link here!
P.P.S. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE on YouTube!