Behind The Scenes of My Business [THE TRUTH]
This weekend I dropped the F* bomb and then spent 2 days praying for God to forgive me. Sometimes people and situations get the best of us. But, that’s not who I am.
The crazy part is I am so blessed to have the life I have and proud to be where I am. I always wondered when I’ll feel like “I’ve made it” — the truth is you never do.
On the outside everything looks so perfect, but on the inside, it’s pure chaos…
That’s what I felt like all weekend. Actually for the past three weeks now. My business has been getting more traffic than ever. I can’t keep up with it all, so I decided to hire some help…
This is where everything went off course.
I’m sharing with you a special episode and “Behind the Scenes” of my business!
Blogging Brandi
Video Transcript:
00:00:06 who super bright hopefully it makes this face look beautiful what’s up it’s blogging Brandi here and it has been a minute since I’ve posted on my Blogging Brandi YouTube channel it’s not that I haven’t been posting for a lot of people that follow me you probably might notice that I actually post on my rvers my rving YouTube channel which is called rvers and I have really been focused on that and we’re actually here in my RV if you don’t notice that my studio might look a little different than what you’re
00:00:49 probably used to seeing on this channel where I’m in the condo which is actually my boyfriend’s condo I’ve really tried to dive into the whole rving side of things and really Niche down in my business so I know 2020 has been kind of crazy for a lot of people this past weekend has really just made me kind of like hit pause and step back for a second in my business just to re-evaluate like where my mind is at and where my business is at and where everything is at and honestly honestly it came from someone else so I’ve
00:01:34 actually been trying to hire so I’ve tried to hire a assistant or someone to help me with like my social media not only just incoming communication but also scheduling my social media post not that I don’t know how to schedule or that I don’t have a platform it’s just when I’m traveling I’ve collected so much social media I’m honestly trying to figure out how to post it all or how much of it to share or how often to share it all and then what platforms to focus on because for those of you that know me I
00:02:13 have been focused on YouTube so I do a lot of YouTube and I have my blog and Brandy YouTube channel and I have my rers YouTube channel and I actually created another YouTube channel which was my blab B YouTube channel which stands for brand like a boss and then that was the advice of a friend so you know I’ve been struggling with that hiring friends firing friends taking advice from friends and what not to take so like I mentioned I’ve struggled with hiring I tried to hire someone to help with um my
00:02:55 social media and just overall Communications scheduling to go out and then Communications that come in in because I get a lot of questions or a lot of feedback and I just really feel guilty not responding to people but I just get so much that comes through I’m trying to filter you know what to put my attention on and whatnot I tried to hire a videographer and hiring is so stressful but in the process of hiring people it kind of helps you figure out your weaknesses I really don’t like to be an ugly person and I felt like I had
00:03:32 to be an ugly person this week and I’ve really been praying about it so I’m a really religious person and I don’t try to burn too many bridges but for some reason you know sometimes in life that happens and I’ve actually been Consulting with like my mom and my boyfriend and my dad and like hey how would you handle this situation they told me you’re way nicer than you should have been I mean I literally had to go down to the you fbom context or situation that’s what the conversation went to and then I had to go back and
00:04:04 pray and repent for that so I don’t like for things to go there and it really kind of made me think wow Brandy if you’re getting this upset or this irritated by trying to work with someone like what could you be doing different or what what would you have done different and honestly what I would have done different is I would have had a contract I would have stuck with my gut when I knew something didn’t feel right from the beginning of their relationship ship I have kind of like learned in my own business who to look out for what to
00:04:36 look out for when things are kind of red flags and I immediately knew from the beginning of a relationship with this video person that i’ felt uneasy and it felt rushed and it just felt unorganized and by the end of it all it was and here we are two or 3 weeks later and I feel like I’m restarting where I was by hiring a videographer I thought that it would take off some of the pressure of me creating all of my own content and I don’t have a problem really creating the content so I was thinking maybe I just
00:05:11 needed a video editor but but I’m just so exhausted from creating but I’ve been trying to do the whole hiring process I tried to hire a videographer it went went like South really quick I got exhausted and so here we are where I’m having a conversation with you about my business I would like to call this breakfast with brandy or behind the scenes with Brandy I really just wanted to share with you like my business and myups where I’m at where things have been where things are headed so I’m parked here at the RV Park in Alabama
00:05:44 near my family I’ve been traveling for literally like the last four years transitioning from condo life to RV life and a lot of people follow my story and kind of already know it but it all stemmed from a personal tragedy and I’ve really been struggling with how to share that story because I think that it would really help people kind of feel more comfortable with my brand and I’m sorry if this video is all over the place but honestly I really wanted to be very real with you that business isn’t perfect
00:06:18 life isn’t perfect and this is kind of where my business is at I really tried to dive all into this rving thing and originally it was to heal and then I kind of went through this really bad RV accident and it reset my mind of like okay well now you don’t have the RV what are you going to do and so then I started learning about building my own business and blogging and trying to turn my blog into a business and then um people started reaching out to me more about how to open their business online
00:06:52 and how to create their YouTube thumbnails or a business logo and so I started focus on helping people with those as aspects of their business while I wasn’t rving but I really had this whole rving thing inside of me so I mean I did coaching and my heart just really wasn’t in it and then when other people’s hearts weren’t in their own businesses I didn’t feel the need to like drag them out of the gutter because I was thinking you have such a gift right now you just don’t see it and they’re not working on their businesses so then I
00:07:25 would lose my passion and then it’s like I’m putting all this effort into other people when I’m not putting it into my own self so I’ve really dialed into like literally moved into my RV 100% fulltime like 95% of the time came here to be close to my family since I’ve been traveling for a while I kind of wanted to just sit still and figure out where things are at or at least just have a pause button so that I could collect my thoughts collect my content figure out how I want to share everything how to
00:07:57 get it all out there how to catch up from where I was to now that’s where I’m at had created and do have a course for teaching people how to build their own business online and their YouTube channel and social media and all of that but I like put the breaks on that and I put the breaks on my blog and Brandy YouTube channel and I went all in on my rving like I said I went through a personal tragedy I went through my healing process it’s been flippy floppy because of all the things that have happened in my RV life another tragedy
00:08:30 which I lost both my dogs within like a year and that was kind of hard because I originally bought my RV so that I could be with my dogs and travel with them full- time just like being an entrepreneur and trying to still have that life back home I guess I haven’t completely detached from that and the more that I traveled the more that I miss being at home and you know I still have like my boyfriend that has his condo so even though I’ve sold my condo and dove into the RV life that’s not what he’s done fulltime but he’s adapted
00:09:06 to it and I’ve had to adapt to the fact that someone else hasn’t I went from moving out of my mom’s house to moving into condo to having a corporate job to where my better half went from moving out of their mom’s house into not getting a corporate job but becoming an entrepreneur and like living in their business and growing from there so my entrepreneurship kind of like has always been there but my boyfriend kind of like brought it out of me I’ve been developing my business for a while and I really went into this rving thing and I
00:09:39 feel like that’s the way that God kind of led me and so I created this rving course to teach people kind of like how to RV because when I got into it there was nothing really teaching you how to do it and I lost so much money and wasted so much time and even though that’s part of the journey it kind of led me to like oh there’s a problem or there’s this need in this industry and so I created this course and I’ve tried to pitch it but I think I have this issue with like selling myself and saying like hey here’s my price here’s
00:10:09 what I should get paid for my advice I’ve tried to kind of give it away free but then I was told like you shouldn’t give away stuff free because then people aren’t invested in it so then I tried like a cheap price like 50 bucks and then I was like okay well if somebody’s going to spend 50,000 on an RV then they’re not going to spend $50 on a course they probably find that not of value maybe you should value yourself more so then I went up on the price and so I’m trying to figure out like where to value my course the course is still
00:10:40 in beta and the thing is nobody is joining the course so I’m telling you like really the real real behind my business more people want to follow me for how to build a business okay I’m really good at selling that but I’m not into that so I love to teach people how to build their business I just feel like I want to build mine I’ve been focused All In on that put the breaks on blogg and Brandy Put the breaks on blab boss brand like a boss building businesses and just focused on mine I have had this
00:11:08 tunnel vision I created this course then I also created this app so the rvers app so I have the rvers course which is my how to RV Academy that I’ve built which you can go to how to RV academy.com and then I created the rers app you can go to rvers app.com and find that and then you know I have my blogging brand so I’ve tried to see what I can separate what I can pull back and then what I really need to double down on but like I said after going through this whole hiring process or trying to hire and
00:11:39 trying to Outsource or take things off my plate so that I can really focus on like the sales or the business side of things that’s another thing my YouTube channel just hit a th000 subscribers for our so it became monetized which means that you can make money off of it and people can run ads on your content so then I felt the need like I should double down on the YouTube and just start making videos and then I was like hold up what are you even making YouTube videos about like what were you actually
00:12:05 selling because I make YouTube videos to sell my products and services because YouTube is a search engine where people go to search for things I know that sounds like super crazy and then you have this whole coed thing going on in quarantine so then I felt the need even more to dive into my business because everybody else is over here acting like chaotic and I’m thinking well the RV industry is booming and I should really double down on that trying to figure like why nobody’s buying even after almost every video I say like how to RV
00:12:36 like a pro if you want to learn how to RV like a pro you should head over to rv.com or how to RV Academy and I don’t know I don’t know where I’m not investing my time or where I should invest my time more then it’s like brought me to the point where I’m not even enjoying my RV I’m not getting to do the one thing that I said I wanted to do when I became an entrepreneur which was to travel and actually enjoy my RV spend time with my family I’m just always focused on how do I make money from like this RV thing I put the braks
00:13:07 on all of my other stuff so I used all the funds from these other businesses that I built that I wasn’t having a Passion about to go all in on this RV thing and so that’s where I’m at right now I’m just kind of there’s so much going on like in the world but this industry that I’m in seems so the industry to be in so I’m trying to figure out how to benefit from it what I need to focus on should I go all in on my app should I go all in on my course and then I was trying to create this rvers book it takes a lot of time to
00:13:41 write a book it takes a lot of time to make videos and edit them it takes a lot of time to post on social media it takes a lot of time to schedule the social media communicate back to the people on social media and then it’s like okay well which one are you getting the best return on your investment for what do you think that I should focus on what do you want to know where are you at in your business as many videos as I make and people always say oh I’m going to call you oh I’m going to contact you oh
00:14:12 I’m going to email you I always wonder why you don’t usually I’m here waiting on an email and granted I’ve been so pulled in every direction that I haven’t responded to things like I should my mind is just kind of on this I felt like I was on the right track till honestly this trying to hire people and Outsource things it’s like it messed up where I was already headed I had it all planned out things were headed in the right direction and then it honestly made me have to kind of put the braks on things
00:14:44 and say okay let’s reevaluate where we were headed again and then watching the news makes it even crazier so I’m just yeah that’s where I’m at I’m trying to doal it back and remove what needs to be removed double down on what need needs to be doubled down on and really put a focus on my business and also like what makes me happy not just what makes everyone else happy because trying to make everyone else happy doesn’t necessarily one bring in a profit or two make me happy and if you don’t have a
00:15:16 passion for something eventually you just kind of lose interest so I actually love my RV love being in my RV it’s like sweet Serenity I’m here on this beautiful Lake we got a boat so been learning the boat life and you know been looking for a puppy so I’ve been hoping to get a puppy I really want a Chinese crested and I’m in that point where I’m ready to get like another dog I really just wanted to take a second I guess to kind of like have a conversation with you and share with you where I’m at in
00:15:44 my business hopefully get some of your feedback and really touch bases with you so honestly like I’m sorry if I don’t post as much as I should especially like on my blog and Brandy content but I actually do Post weekly on my rers content and I’m almost trying to figure out where to take a break on that or whether to take a break because I’m exhausted I’m exhausted doing it all myself and then when I tried to hire people it really just showed me I need to work on something what would you focus on the app the course finishing
00:16:18 the book take a break from everything hire people pause reflect how long would you pause and reflect what are your thoughts on where I should head in my business do you even watch my YouTube videos do you even know about our adversity do you know about blogging Brandy this is kind of like behind the scenes of my business it’s unscripted unedited I’ve been you know debating on what to share behind my business or like how to tell my story so that’s kind of like where I’m at in my business and I can’t wait to hear your feedback in
00:16:54 where you’re at in your business so I’m actually pretty proud that I didn’t cry throughout this video cuz normally I’m like a crybaby but that’s really the behind the scenes of my business in my life and hopefully I’ve kind of touched on everything and yeah I can’t wait to hear what you have to say but honestly I really want to hear your comments so no matter where you’re watching this video either comment below this video or send me a message back on social media the best way to reach me is either to
00:17:28 comment below my videos on YouTube because I always read my comments or eventually I read my comments but I do read them the best way is to send me an email so you can send me an email info@ blogging brandy.com or even info@ rvs.com I’ll put both of those below this video that’s pretty much it that’s where I’m at in my business in my life and yeah so I can’t wait to read your comments I know I’ve said that 5,000 times but I’m going to finish my cup of coffee I’m going to post this video and yeah I’m going to go kind of take a
00:18:02 break enjoy my day and hear what you have to say so I’ll see you soon talk to you soon and see you in the next video bye and thanks for watching
- 🎥 RV YOUTUBE CHANNEL 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/c/rversity
- 💻 WEBSITE: https://rversity.com/
- 🎓 HOW TO RV ACADEMY 🎓http://www.howtorvacademy.com/
- 📱 RVersity APP 📱 http://www.rversityapp.com/
If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…
If you can relate please don’t hesitate to WATCH this video, hit that like button and drop a comment below to let me know! And, of course, Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel HERE!
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🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!
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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.