What To Do While In Quarantine – How To Stay Productive At Home
Wondering what to do in quarantine and how to be productive while learning How to Work from home? If you’re bored and trying to think of Things to do during coronavirus then this video is for you. I’m sharing what to do during quarantine and how to be productive at home!
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Video Transcript:
00:00:00 Are you bored sitting at home during quarantine wondering things to do I’m going to tell you about five things that you should be doing while you’re in quarantine because this is the best time that you have and you shouldn’t be wasting it if you haven’t met me yet I’m Blogging Brandi. I travel in my RV and make money on the road and I’ve been in quarantine for a while for like years now so I’ve been socially distant quarantine and making money me on the road in my RV and I just
00:00:33 feel guilty not making this video and sharing it with you because if you’re netflixing and chilling or playing video games or trying to hang out with your friends and doing happy hours then you probably don’t want to be wasting this time while you’re in quarantine you could be doing a lot of other things so I’m going to share with you five things that you should be doing while you’re in quarantine the first thing to think about when you’re in quarantine is obviously to protect yourself no one else cares about you like you should be
00:00:59 caring about yourself not your employer not the government not your friends you are in charge of taking care of yourself and putting on gloves getting protective equipment ordering food in or your groceries in this is the time when you need to think smarter not harder to be able to accomplish the things that you need to do and make sure that you’re protecting yourself because if you’re chasing around money from the government or worried about your job just remember that your job may not even be there when
00:01:30 you go back so you need to be thinking about yourself this is the time to be selfish and start preparing yourself for what’s to come the second thing that you need to be doing while you’re in quarantine is you need to stop paying your bills did she stop paying your bills I swear she just said to stop paying your bills yes you are correct I said to stop paying your bills when I immediately heard that the banks and a lot of companies going into this whole quarantine thing we’re going to allow you to defer your bills I immediately
00:02:05 said oh my gosh I just got like a two- Monon extension on my bills I would call up every bill you have all of your credit cards whether you’re renting or whether you own a home any bill you have your car insurance everything you can think of you need to be calling up and asking if you can defer your payments right now some of them gave me a month in deferrals some of them gave me two months in deferrals but that allowed me to save thousands of dollars thousands of dollars every month right now that I’m not putting towards bills
00:02:40 I’m not getting penalized for it it’s not going on my credit they’re waving fees why would you not defer your bills you need to be saving your cash and thinking ahead make sure that you’re deferring your payments in any way that you can you want to keep your cash and look at your spending so make sure that you’re looking at your spending if you have’t expenses right now is probably where you’re starting to see those expenses come up so whether it’s a membership or a subscription if you really don’t need it I would consider
00:03:09 canceling it that’s going to put money back in your pocket and you’re thinking longterm all those $7 subscriptions $111 subscriptions whether it’s music or movies or reading whatever it is you need to consider if you really need those and right now since gyms are closed if you don’t need your gym maybe you can figure out how to work from work out from home as well as work from home but think about all the things that you can cancel that you’re not using or don’t need or that you found another way
00:03:36 to accomplish them cash is King remember that if you have to pick on what you’re going to pay I would consider paying the things that you need like your house and your car and insurance let the credit cards go if you had to pick and choose between what you’re going to pay because you can bankrupt out of your credit cards or deal with your credit cards later and don’t just not pay your bills you need to call in and tell people hey I’m not going to be able to make this payment and try to work out some type of
00:04:03 arrangement with your credit card companies your mortgage company your landlord whatever you’re trying to pay there is some way to work something out or at least with 80% of them the third thing that you need to be doing while you’re in quarantine is to start a side hustle this is the best time while you’re sitting at home you have the internet at your fingertips all these people are sitting at home buying things online think of ways that you can generate income and start bringing that in whether you want to start a business
00:04:33 of your own and Be Your Own Boss maybe you lost your job you’re not sure if your job or even your company is going to be around when this is all over this is the best time to start preparing yourself and prepping yourself for what’s to come so start a side hustle literally pick up your phone download the Amazon seller app and I would start selling everything I have scan everything with this app fourth thing that you need to be doing while you’re in quarantine is building a brand for yourself whether you’re a business brand
00:05:04 or a personal brand you need to brand yourself that means having a website having a landing page but you can have a onepage website just telling people about yourself what you offer the services you offer maybe your resume or if you have a website you can go all out and list everything you can have a Blog you can have an about page a contact page and all of the above so if you want to check out my website blogging Brandy you can check that out below this video blogging brandy.com and see what my website looks like so I have
00:05:35 a personal website for blogging Brandy and then for my company rvers I have a Business website so it’s RV RSI t y rvs.com I’ll put that below this video as well so you can check that out I would also suggest setting up a LinkedIn profile because LinkedIn is where a lot of resumés are or employers are looking for people so I found that it’s really good if you’re looking for a job to Showcase your yourself on LinkedIn as well as set up your social media to look like yourself all of your avatars all of
00:06:07 your headers all of your bio make sure that you look like your brand tell people what you do make yourself into a business you can freelance your skills online or build people up for what you’re going to be offering products Services whatever it is and another good way is to start a YouTube channel so if you want to Brand yourself start a YouTube channel that’s what I do so I have several YouTube channels but this is my personal YouTube channel blog and Brandy and I like to share behind the scenes of my business so I have rvers
00:06:38 which is my rving business where I teach people how to be rvers how to RV how to make money on the road I like to share behind the scenes of my business on this channel blogg and Brandy because I get asked a lot of questions about my business and YouTube is a search engine so people come to YouTube because they’re looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems so if you’re one of those people and you can put a tutorial out there about how to build a website how to start an email list how to sew how to
00:07:08 play guitar whatever your business idea is then people are going to search for that content and they’re going to find you and who knows it could be your potential next employer or your next customer or client my fifth tip to do while you’re in quarantine is to stay healthy I know it seems simple but there’s so many people that are just eating carbs and not taking care of their body right now this is the best time for you to meditate or pick an exercise and just exercise for 15 minutes a day do something to stay
00:07:42 active make sure that you’re eating healthy take time for yourself maybe find God I know I like to read the Bible and I do a lot of religious books but maybe you’re into meditation or gods or astrology I don’t know maybe you want to read a self-help book time to start being selfish and taking time for you so think outside of your employer outside of your business and everything else that you have going on take some time for you you’re not going to regret it because you can’t be there for anyone
00:08:14 else if you’re not there for yourself first okay so let’s review if you’re in quarantine this is not the time to be netflixing and chilling or playing video games or hanging out with your friends and you should be using your time wisely to come out of this thing on a better side now that things have went from good to bad or maybe are transitioning that way you’re not sure where they’re going to go this is the best time to make some decisions you need to think about yourself stop paying your bills start a
00:08:42 side hustle brand yourself and stay healthy now you know what you need to be doing while you’re in quarantine and not wasting this precious time if you like this video if it’s making sense make sure to hit the like button below of course share this with your friends and I want to hear where you’re at are you thinking about starting a business do you need to build your brand did you just lose your job where are you in this whole phenomena right now I know I’m here in my RV and I’ve been quarantined
00:09:11 here for a while so I’m pretty used to social distancing. I’m blogging Brandi of blogging brandi.com make sure to leave your comments below and let me know your thoughts on this video what you have what questions you have and of course like I said like share and don’t forget to subscribe to this channel because I’m always sharing behind the scenes of my business and I’m trying to get better about sharing more behind the scenes of my business so I want to know what you want to know so you can find out more
00:09:37 about me at blogging brandi.com and you can always reach out to me [email protected] I’ll see you in the next video thanks for watching [Music]
If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…
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🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!
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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.