BUYER PERSONA TEMPLATE – How To Create A Buyer Persona

BUYER PERSONA TEMPLATE – How To Create A Buyer Persona. Wondering what is a buyer persona? Or, how to create a customer persona? In this video, I’m sharing buyer persona examples and the marketing strategy for how to create a persona.

Click the link below to get customer persona examples and templates for you to customize to your buyer personas:



Video Transcript:

00:00:00 so I thought this was an interesting topic that I didn’t understand that you didn’t understand but I was on the phone with a client of mine the other day and I thought it was really interesting when they told me they essentially weren’t sure who they were talking to so my question to you is who are you talking to who are you selling your products and services to how old are they are they male or female what do they do for a living these are all questions that you should be asking yourself when you are

00:00:31 trying to figure out who your target audience is maybe you’re trying to find your Niche or maybe you’re trying to develop a product or service to sell and if you haven’t met me yet my name is blogging Brandy and this channel is blogging Brandy where I share behind the scenes of How I build my businesses for both myself and other people topic of this video is obviously about finding your Niche or figuring out who your Target customer is and who you are talking to I figured I’d make a list of some of the things that maybe you

00:01:05 should consider putting in what I like to call your customer Persona template or your buyer template there’s a couple different names that you can call this but let’s go through the template and then you can actually download it and use these things for yourself add to them subtract from them and figure out who your Target customer is when you’re trying to create your target audience and find your Niche you’re going to want to know things about your your customer how old are they are they male or female

00:01:35 what do they do for a job where do they work what time do they go to work what is their schedule like and some of the other things that you’re going to want to know is maybe where they live where are they located maybe your clients are here like me in America or maybe they are overseas somewhere now some of the other things that you’re going to want to put into your customer persona buying template are things like your clients motivations what motivates them what do they like as well as what are their

00:02:09 goals what are some things that they’re trying to accomplish if it’s some type of Niche like for me I’m in the travel industry and I have an RV business that I recommend RV content to so for people that are traveling in an RV they might want to know how to fix an RV or they might want to know how to live in their RV you may have something different depending on the product or service that you’re selling to the people that you’re selling it to which is why it’s really important to figure out who you’re

00:02:37 talking to with your target audience so not only their motivations but to find out their goals and then also to find out their frustrations what are they having those problems with this is going to help you developed a product or service to sell to them or perfect the product or service that you’re trying to recommend to sell to them later on and last but not least there’s tons of things that you can include in your customer Persona template buying template but some other things you want to consider is how much money do these

00:03:07 people make that you’re targeting to can they even afford the product or service that you’re selling or this might give you a good idea of how to price the product or service that you’re trying to sell to them or at least a starting price for where to start if you know what type of income people are actually making that you’re selling to if you’re selling a product to someone who is telling you hey I only have an extra $100 $200 telling them hey I have a $500 product versus a $50 product you’re

00:03:38 probably going to be able to sell the $50 product to them a lot easier than the $500 product it just depends on who you’re selling to what their income is so income is really important it’s not an end all bill but you want to consider that when you’re pricing your products and services and figuring out who your audience is as well as their education level where are they at in the process are they in the beginning stages or are they an expert at it are you selling to a customer or are you selling to a

00:04:07 business who is the person that you’re selling to so these are some things that you can use to get started developing your customer buyer Persona and essentially your template but you’re probably wondering okay Brandy so where do I actually find these items that you’re telling me about how do I find their age how do I find their occupation and their interest where do I find these things the best place to find these things are social media if you’re on social media they normally have some type of analytics tab that you can go to

00:04:38 so on Twitter they have an analytics tab on Facebook Instagram you probably have to set it up as business YouTube all of these have analytics tab so if I were to go say behind my YouTube channel that would tell me the age range of the people that follow my rving website are in the 25 to 40 5 age range depending on the content that I’ve been putting out I can see who’s following me it’ll tell me that a lot of the people that are following me are male and it’ll also tell me the things that people are

00:05:11 wanting to look at or the type of videos that are really popular to my YouTube channel for adversity so it gives me good ideas for what to make videos about on my reviewing Channel I know that people are looking for tutorials of water pressure and how to take a shower and how to plug in their RV versus is on my blog and Brandy Channel if I’m looking behind the scenes I know that people are trying to figure out how to start a website and how to start their email list because those are my most popular videos behind the scenes on my

00:05:43 YouTube channel and that’s what I get a lot of people contacting me about speaking of which how to find your target audience and another way that you can do that besides having a YouTube channel and finding that on social media is setting up something like Google analytics on your website so if you you have Google analytics it’s just a tracking code that you put on the back end of your website and you can do this do this with like a header and footer plugin that might be really tag Savvy for you but I’m sure you can Google it

00:06:15 and figure it out it’s super simple to do and you can do it in less than just a few minutes but it’s going to give you a lot of information about where traffic is coming from to your website and help you analyze who is looking at your content to be able to figure out who you’re selling to and who’s buying your products and services are potentially going to buy your products and services and then another thing that you can do especially on social media is to run polls you can set up polls and ask your

00:06:43 audience questions and find out who is looking at your content and if it’s just a ABC thing people are a lot more eager or easy to join and fill out a poll versus if you try to get people to give you straight answers people just have to say yes and no or ABC D you’re going to get answers a lot quicker from people that’s one thing I’ve kind of found out so you can do that on social media and then also if you wanted to send a form there’s Survey Monkey or you can set up a free form also with Google forms

00:07:17 there’s tons of options out there to help you analyze your audience and find out what they’re interested in and maybe what to sell them or how to improve on something that you’re already selling them now you know how to create create your customer profile and the things that you need to be looking for but I’m sure that was a lot to remember so I put my template in the description below so you can just plug in like your customer age and their occupation and put together your own customer Persona

00:07:47 buying profile and figure out who you’re actually selling to who your target audience is if you like this video hit the like button below share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe I’m blogging Brandy that’s pretty much it I don’t know why I always stop like that but thanks for watching this video I’ll see you in the next one [Music]


If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…

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🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!

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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.