Holiday Hacks: Dollar Store Gift Ideas | How to Save Money on Valentines & Beyond
Welcome to my Dollar Store Valentine’s Haul! 🎉 If you’re looking for budget Valentine’s Day gifts or need some cheap Valentine’s Day ideas, you’re in the right place! I headed to Dollar Tree for some last-minute Valentine’s Day shopping and found the best Dollar Store finds. From adorable Dollar Tree gift ideas to unique Valentine’s Day hacks, They’ve got everything you need to make your V-Day extra special without breaking the bank. So if you want to know how to save money on Valentine’s Day, stick around for this exciting haul! Let’s dive into all the fun finds that are perfect for a Valentine’s Day on a budget!
My Holiday Hacks To Save Money + Cheap Dollar Store Gift Bag Idea (you will LOVE ❤️ )
How I Saved Money on Valentines & Beyond… (My Dollar Store Gift Bag Idea)
I am a dollar-store junkie! I went to the dollar store and did a little Valentine’s Day shopping!
If you don’t know the dollar store, it’s one of my favorite places to get some bargains and what I call my dollar deals (but It could be $1, 2, 3, 4 3, 5 more — Especially if you’re shopping at one of the newer Family Dollar Dollar Tree combined stores)!
I just wanted to show you some of the items I got because sometimes people tell me “Oh, I can’t spend money on things or, I don’t have money for this…” — And I just wanted to show you that you do!
>> (I made a video along with some help from Birdie showing the DEETS… SUBSCRIBE On YouTube and Stay tuned)
🤩 On a side note: The other thing that’s kind of crazy, I found a lucky penny While I was out shopping! ONE lucky penny, it was lying on the ground. And then when I got into the Dollar Tree there was only ONE of everything!
❤️ The Valentine’s Theme…
I really tried to get all heart-shaped themed stuff, Valentine’s Day stuff. Everything was a dollar! In total, my receipt was less than $40 bucks for all the stuff I got! And I’m really excited about that. I just want to show you…

🛍️ Gift Bag:
I’m going to make a really cute gift bag and give it to my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day.
📌 TIP: When I go to the dollar store, instead of buying gift bags, I usually get reusable bags (for a dollar-ish) because I feel like then whoever’s going to get them from you can actually reuse them!
✅ Gift Card: And then I got this card, which I thought was super cute. And the other thing I loved about this card was that. It’s a bible y card. So, there’s all the biblical stuff in there.
I should probably tell you, what the card said right?
From a valentine when life slows down and things become quiet. When I look at all the ways God has shown me his love. When I take time to listen to my heart as I think about what matters most…. Then when you open it inside it says, I couldn’t be more grateful for the gift you are in my life. You care, your encouragement, your friendship, your love.
I thought this was really cute and it’s a religious biblical one. I got the card and everything for $1.25-ish at the Dollar Tree.
Candy & Snack Items in the Dollar Tree Gift bag…
✅ M&M’s-ish chocolate candy: So, they’re similar to M&M’s. So, it’s heart-shaped.
✅ Chocolate Frog: My boyfriend has an app company so he’s into frogs. So I got him this frog because the mascot for the company is like a frog. But it’s still in development. I don’t know if I’m supposed to mention it.
✅ Haribo Gummy Bears: These were Valentine’s Day gummy bears.
✅ Mike and Ikes. These were also heart-shaped.
✅ Hot Tamales candies. Everything was heart-shaped or red.
✅ Cholocalate Coffee Espresso beans
✅ Reese’s Pieces. (These are probably more for me. I love Reese’s)
✅ Peanut butter hearts
✅ Hershey’s Kisses: because it’s Valentine’s Day. So you want kisses, obviously. 🙄
✅ Jell-O squares.
✅ Truffles
✅ Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (My boyfriend likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch.)
✅ Junior Mints with heart shapes. I kind of wonder if they have the red goo inside of them or not. But that’s interesting.
✅ Kit Kat bars.
✅ Butterfingers
✅ Snickers bars
✅ Tootsie rolls: TBH I don’t even like Tootsie rolls but it turns into a piggy bank and they all have little messages on the wrappers so I thought that was really cute.
✅ Stuffed chocolate marshmallows: What? Gonna have to try these!?
✅ My boyfriend likes Rice Krispie Treats.
✅ Oceanspray Cranberries: These are kind of for me, but, you know, I got them at the dollar store, so I figured I’d show them to you.
✅ Pretzel Pieces Hot Buffalo: (by Snyders Of Hanover) Another thing I love. These hot pieces, they’re buffalo flavored. Oh my god, pretzel pieces. They are so good, so I got some extra.
✅ Happy Valentine’s Day dog chocolate
❌ The only thing I didn’t get was a cat-themed thing and I probably could have gotten something kitty cat.
TIP: I tried to get some chocolates. We usually don’t have chocolate up in this house. So, I got these mini chocolate candy bars but I did make the mistake one time of taking them all out of the package and putting them in the bag because I thought it would be cute. It actually ended up just making a mess and squishing all the chocolate so I’m not going to take them out of the bag this time.
✅ Heart-shaped popping balloons: Another thing I thought was cute was these heart-shaped balloons apparently you hit it and then a balloon pops out. I’m not really sure.
>> I’ll try to get a video of that if I can.
✅ Floss Sticks(by Guru Nanda): Obviously, this is probably the end of everything, but these floss sticks, if you don’t know, I’m like a floss junkie. I’m super weird about flossing. I love to floss. I floss every single time I eat. It’s very weird. We have floss and then we have floss sticks. I like straight-up regular floss, but my boyfriend likes the sticks. So, I saw this and I thought it was just something that would be nice for him.
✅ Bag Clips: I got some clips because we need these at the house.
🚨 Reminder: I just tried to find some different stuff. And again, the crazy thing is they only had one of everything! So, if you go the day before Valentine’s Day, just be prepared that it’s all gonna be gone.
They did not have some of the things normally he likes. So, that kind of sucked, but, if you’re up in this household, you get what you get around here.
Yet, the one thing I like about the dollar store is they always have stuff that’s really unique.

💰 COST: What did I spend?
All in all, that’s what I got and $36.22 is the total amount. But isn’t that cool that I got all of this at the Dollar Tree?
I just thought I would share this with you…
But yeah, this is everything that I got with my haul. I’m super excited about this so I’m gonna have to hide all this, put it away, get it ready before, he comes home today and he sees it and he’s like, Oh my God, what is all that?
Hopefully, this is exciting and fun and you enjoyed my dollar store finds. I’ll be updating more stuff and sharing more of this if you like this kind of content, please, please, please let me know by hitting the like button below this video and subscribing to my channel, tapping that little bell icon so you’re notified each and every time I publish another video!
Leave a comment below and let me know: Do you go to the dollar store? Do you get stuff like this? Are you lucky like me where you get a little lucky penny today and you find all this stuff and you’re like the last minute shopping and you find all of this fun stuff at the dollar store?
🐶 Meet Birdie, who was trying to help us? @BirdiesDoghouse and also Johnny (the Cat Dog @CattitudeChaos who was creeping around in the background 🐈⬛ )
If we haven’t officially met, I’m Blogging Brandi! I love you, and I’ll see you in the next video!

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If we haven’t officially met Hi, I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be blogger, Female Entrepreneur, and Digital Nomad who LOVES RV Living, since it keeps me close to Nature! All though you can catch me from time to time on an airplane, in a hotel, Airbnb, as I can WORK FROM ANYWHERE not just my RV. I’m also an all-natural, introverted, God Fearing, Rescue Dog Mom, but most importantly a Writer and Creator! Plus, you might not know I have a Finance Degree and am licensed in Master Cosmetology! I believe you can have many passions, create multiple streams of income, and don’t have to conform to the norm! Learn more ABOUT ME!
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#BirdiesDoghouse #CattitudeChaos #NVington #BloggingBrandi #DollarTree #DollarStore #SaveMoney #GiftIdeas #HolidayHacks #DollarStoreHaul #GiftBag #Valentines #ValentinesDay #Budgeting #CheapGifts
#Haribo #MikeAndIke #GetFiredUp #Reeses #Hersheys #Jello #HotTamales #CinnamonToastCrunch #HaveABreakHaveAKitKat #Butterfinger #Snickers #TootsieRoll #RiceKrispiesTreat #Cranberries
Shout Outs & Features:
- @DollarTree
- @haribousa
- @mikeandikecandy
- @hottamalescandy
- @reeses
- @hersheys
- @Jello
- @cinnamontoastcrunch
- @kitkat_us
- @butterfinger
- @snickers
- @tootsieroll
- @ricekrispiestreatsus
- @oceansprayinc
- @snyders_hanover
- @gurunanda.official
- @BirdiesDoghouse
- @CattitudeChaos
- @NVington
- @BloggingBrandi
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