My 1st YouTube Video (embarrassing RANT)!

This is the very first YouTube video I ever made. I wanted to share it as a reminder of where I started blogging or should I say vlogging. So, If you’ve ever struggled with what to make a video about or what to write about then this video is for you! WATCH as I make my first YouTube video aka my female entrepreneur RANT trying to decide what to vlog about or what to blog about. This is EXACTLY what I felt like when I was learning how to start a blog! I made this out of pure exhaustion and frustration.

I want to start sharing more of my journey After Quitting My Job to become a female digital nomad and things about me: starting a Business, Work, Life, Travel etc… be more beneficial, and show others how they can get started doing their own thing. From how I quit my corporate job and left corporate America behind To be a vlogger and blogger! Maybe even the next Bill Gates! 😉

Wondering what to make your first YouTube video about? How to Start a vlog? Need YouTube video ideas? After watching this you will NOT be worried about what others think, overcome writer’s block, and be motivated to take action! Trust me I’ve made a lot of crappy videos with my first YouTube video being one of them!

Starting Blogging Brandi

Okay, everybody. I started this website, Blogging Brandi, and now I can’t figure out what I want to write about. I know I want to cover work, life, and travel, but I just can’t pinpoint exactly what to focus on. Someone suggested I make videos, so as I started creating my blog, the idea of making videos came up. I’ve studied videos and know they are really important, so I thought, “What kind of videos should I make?”

By the way, I never look people in the eye—just a quick tip about me. I’m horrible at it, so I’m trying to learn this video thing and look into the camera. They suggested making a rant video, so I started with some product review videos, which turned out great. Then, I thought I’d try a rant video. But what am I going to rant about? I don’t know. I’m ranting about the fact that I’m pissed off about ranting. I don’t even know what to blog or vlog about.

The Blogging Struggle

I’m really good at telling everybody else what they need to do in their life, but I can’t come up with my own stuff. So, I have this blog, Blogging Brandi, and I wanted to start sharing my journey and things about me. I wanted it to be beneficial, not just entertaining. I wanted to help people get started on their own thing.

Originally, I left corporate America and started selling stuff online. Then, I decided to do something different and thought about writing a book. Some events led up to that decision, but I never ended up writing the book. It’s still on my to-do list. I got tired of selling stuff and shipping orders every day. Plus, I read Tim Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek,” which says you shouldn’t work more than four hours a week, but you need a system in place. I knew I wouldn’t have a system with that, so I decided to start a blog.

Check out The 4-hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss on Amazon!

Anti-Social Media and Corporate America

At first, I didn’t want to share my blog on social media because I’m anti-social media. I guess it’s because I’m scared of it since I haven’t done it in so long. Corporate America sucked, and I hated it. I worked so hard to get a position that I now don’t care about. I gave up the money, started a business, and when the money started coming in, I realized I didn’t like that either. So, I quit that too. I’m a quitter. I’ll admit it. If my dad watches this video, I’m a quitter. But my mom supports me, and that’s cool.

I’m not a bad quitter. My girlfriend told me on the phone that lazy people, according to Bill Gates, are more efficient because they find smarter ways to get things done. In all the jobs I’ve had, I always found smarter ways to do stuff, but I don’t have anything to apply those smarter ways to right now. I’m trying to apply them to my blog, but I don’t know what to blog about.

Struggling with Content and Social Media

I’ve been traveling and trying to start a blog, reading a lot, and talking to people about their businesses. I help everyone else with ideas but can’t get my own business off the ground. I need to figure out how to get subscribers on my YouTube channel and social media. I need to get subscribers on Facebook and Twitter. I tend to talk a lot and not take much action, and I don’t know how to put things into action for myself.

Maybe someone will like this recording. I was really successful and gave it up to make this video and talk to you. Maybe I’ll make a video about my resignation letter, which people find hilarious. Every time I try to make a video, something comes up. I’m also worried about what people will think, even though I say I don’t care. Everyone cares about what people think.

Ideas for Future Videos

Should I make another rant video? Should I stop making videos? Should I make a video about reading the Bible every day? Should I make a video about business or how to run a business on the road? People ask me questions, and I thought about making 30-second clips to answer them, but then I get overwhelmed.

I suck. I tried to be a blogger, and I guess you could call me one. When people ask what I do, I say I’m a blogger. My girlfriend asked what a blog is, and I explained it’s like reading a magazine with articles. Blogging Brandi is like a magazine, except it sucks. My website needs a lot of work, but they say you’re your own worst critic.

I needed to make a video, so I made this one, ranting about making a video. I know I need to make more videos and improve. I need to learn to look into the camera, sit up straight, and even comb my hair.

Moving Forward

I’ve been trying to do this work thing, this video thing, making a lot of crappy videos. Then, I thought about making a video about what to make a video about. I considered running a contest—maybe offering a coffee, an Amazon gift card, or something.

So, that’s my video about making a video about not knowing what to make a video about. I need subscribers and friends on Facebook. I don’t have many friends or likes on my page, Blogging Brandi. I have followers who don’t tweet, but I have followers.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Maybe I’ll make another video, or maybe not. I’m sure some people will think this video sucks, but whatever. I don’t care. Thanks for watching!

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About Me

If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad + Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living while blogging and running my business on the road! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 20+ years and have a Finance Degree! You can follow me @BloggingBrandi on Social Media and Learn more about me here!

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P.S. I also have a SECRET FAN CLUB Group on Facebook where you can get to know me more behind the scenes make sure to join me!

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You can view the *Original Version* of this video on my OLD “Bloggin Brandi” YouTube Channel here!

#FemaleDigitalNomad #BloggingBrandi #FemaleEntrepreneur