How I Avoid Burnout As An Entrepreneur to Stay Motivated, Focused & Get Things Done!
Entrepreneurial Mindset: How To Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout Using This Simple List of Tools, Tips, Tricks, and Resources! Discover How to Stay Motivated And Avoid Burnout in your Entrepreneur Life as a Business Owner! So you can learn How to Build a Business You Don’t Grow to Hate. As an entrepreneur burnout is inevitable if you go-all out for months, if not years at a timeโฆ especially if you are like me a digital nomad not in one location but instead traveling all the time!
So, What can entrepreneurs do to avoid burnout? How do you find that Work Life Balance to Get Things Done? If you are Wondering How to Avoid Burnout as an Entrepreneur Or how to recover from burnout? The first step is to Make Your Business Work For You, Not the Other Way Around!
Even experienced entrepreneurs need help keeping up their career momentum and day-to-day energy. Feeling Pulled in Too Many Directions? What did you hire your business to do for you? If you’ve ever felt like your business is running you, this video is for you. Watch to learn how to set routines in your entrepreneur life and maintain focus on your short-term and long-term goals.
Entrepreneurship, starting a business, and getting things done in that entrepreneur mindset of hustling 24/7 can cause you to lose your entrepreneur motivation and leave you suffering from Business Burnout quickly!
Finding ways to start avoiding entrepreneur burnout like knowing the Entrepreneurial Burnout Signs can help when it comes to dealing with burnout. But, sometimes there is no way of avoiding entrepreneurial burnout and you might find yourself in Entrepreneurial Burnout Recovery! Keep in mind recovering from burnout takes time so itโs best to avoid burning out in the first place!
This is EXACTLY How I Avoid Burnout As An Entrepreneur and digital nomad working from home or while I roam! Because YES, even traveling and living a location-independent nomadic lifestyle can leave you feeling burned out with no energy to create, write, blog, vlog, or do anything at all!
These are my Top 5 Tips for Avoiding Burnout and How I Avoid Burnout As An Entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, we tend to burnout ourselves by trying to do it all. Success is motivation and when you are living a life of entrepreneurship, dealing with entrepreneur burnout can be an ongoing task.
So if you’re like me and at times wondering How To Avoid Burnout, don’t worry you’re in the right place! In this video, Iโm teaching you about entrepreneurial burnout and how to prevent burnout in the coming week, month, year, etc… Are you ready to get started and set business goals that stick?
How To Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout:
- 0:00 – Tips To Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout
- 0:07 – Focus on what you have vs don’t
- 0:34 – Take it one day at a time
- 1:13 – Focus on Goals NOT What Ifs
- 2:32 – Get Organized & Plan
- 2:50 – Breakdown Goals Into Steps
- 4:05 – Learn To Rely On Others
- 5:17 – Take A Break
- 7:45 – Review & Comments
Here is the Video Transcript:
Entrepreneur Burnout: How do I avoid burnout in my business and life every day?
Focus on the Positive Not The Negatives
The first thing that I do is I try not to focus on all of the what-ifs and focus on the strengths, the positives, the benefits, what are all of the great things that I have going on right now and what is that goal that I’m striving for? And if I can focus on the strengths that I have to get me there, it helps me. It puts a positive, lifted weight off your shoulders when you’re getting started to go through every day.
Worry About Today Not Tomorrow
You have to take every day, one day at a time. You can’t focus on, well what about the next hundred days? You need to focus on just today.
Example: I did this the other day when I was doing my MailChimp subscriber list and there’s a plateau of how many people you hit to get to the next point. Just say you have to have 2, 000 subscribers and you have 500. Well, If you know that you have to pay to get to the next point and you’re only at 500 and the next point is 2,000, then why would you care about hitting the 2,000 point because you’re not even there yet? I was creating issues or problems for an email list that I had going that I didn’t need to make problems for and I don’t know why I was creating them!
Stop focusing on the what ifs, think about all of the positives and the strengths that you have going for you and as something starts to come up and you grow and go through each step in your business, your life, whatever it is that you’re doing, what is your next goal?
Think “What If” Tomorrow Wasn’t The Same…
I know this may sound harsh, but I often think about what would I do if my parents weren’t here tomorrow or my grandma, or if the house that I stay in wasn’t here tomorrow, my car, my spouse, I go to the extreme and I say, what would happen if I lost this person tomorrow or I lost this thing that I am dependent on or feel dependent on?
How would I act? How would I react? What would be my plan of attack? I know it sounds so harsh, but What if you got in a car wreck tomorrow and you weren’t able to perform the tasks that you’re performing today, your life would be changed. You’d be forced to just do something different than what you’re doing right now, or you’d be forced to adapt to the next part in your process, your business and whatnot.
Don’t force yourself to just be in these circumstances as in today, put yourself into tomorrow’s shoes and say, well, what if tomorrow was different? How would I be acting today? If I knew I wasn’t going to have my loved one, or I knew I wasn’t going to be able to walk tomorrow or do something tomorrow.
How would I do today differently?
Get Organized
The third thing I do to avoid burnout on whatever it is that I’m working on is I get organized. It doesn’t matter what project you have going on, whether it’s a personal one or a business one, you need to get organized. You need to write a plan down and think about what the steps are that are going to get you to that end goal.
โ Check out the online systems I use to stay organized as a digital nomadic entrepreneur!
Breakdown BIG Goals Into Small Tasks
What is that far-reaching goal that you’re trying to get to start creating steps to get you there? You really need to focus on two to four steps a day to get you to your ultimate goal later on is going to be more manageable for you to actually make an accomplishment and do something to not get up and be frustrated every day saying, well, why am I not there? Why haven’t I gotten there?
Break down that bigger goal into daily tasks, weekly tasks, and monthly tasks. You need to have a plan of attack for each day, each week, each month, and not this big goal at the end. You’re gonna have steps that lead you up to that. Tackle two to four tasks, each day, and just make sure those two or four tasks are must-dos.
Meaning I have to get these things done today, or I won’t move on to the next process, or I will not be fulfilled. However, if I only accomplish these two things today, then I’m gonna be fine, and I’ll be happy with the rest of my day, even if I don’t do anything else. Start breaking down those bigger goals into smaller goals, and each day accomplish two to four, smaller goals to get you to the bigger one. And you’re gonna feel a lot less pressure that you have to have this big, huge mystery done at the end of the day.
Outsource & Rely On Other People, Services, Systems, etc.. For Help
My fourth tip for avoiding burning out is outsourcing. Outsourcing your weaknesses. Outsourcing those extremely time-consuming tasks. Those tasks that you do every day over and over. Repetitive tasks that you could probably give to someone else.
I started to make more money, had more time, and was more relaxed once I got organized and started to outsource. I began to outsource my processes and Give them to other people so that I could focus on the bigger tasks at hand and what I had going on in my business.
The thing to remember about outsourcing is that you get someone to help you get things done 80% (not 100% and NOT perfect).
I made some videos about outsourcing.
Think about what can someone help me with that’s going to get me 70-80% percent of the way there. And then I can finish the rest. Because if they can at least get you part of the way there, then you can start to fill in the other parts of the process to finish that ultimate project and have it done. Don’t think that someone’s going to do it perfectly and exactly like you because they’re probably not.
*Here are the videos I mentioned about OUTSOURCING in Step #4 you can WATCH the full PLAYLIST*
Take A Break
My last and final tip for how I avoid burnout is to take a break. Take a break, relax, get away, disconnect, whatever you want to call it. It can be for five minutes, 10 minutes, a day, a week. You have to figure out what works for you and what works for me may not work for you. I take tips and tricks from many different entrepreneurs and mentors that I’ve kind of Found and followed over the years and take them and do my own thing with them. I learned what works for other people and one thing that they all keep saying is to take a break and get away.
Because When you have that nine to five job and you go to it every day and then you come home It’s like, you know that after five o’clock or after four o’clock Whatever time to get off that it’s your own time You can do whatever you want and then you gotta be back in the morning. But, the problem that us as entrepreneurs kind of tend to fall into is we don’t take a break and we tend to just put so much on ourselves and think everything has to be done in a day, but it really doesn’t.
Take a break, breathe. It’ll help you with your creativity, even if it’s just to get outside and walk around. Maybe you take a vacation, go hang out with a friend or a family member, someone that you love and enjoy spending time with. What are those things that make you feel more creative, more alive, and really get you pumped and excited about your business? What’s the reason that you started your business?
Think about these things when you get so burnt out and take a break. That can be the simplest process. And some people will even go to the point of doing exercising, yoga, meditation, just getting away, putting yourself in a different mindset. And then you’re going to be refreshed to come back to all the projects that you have going and you’re going to have a different way of thinking.
A lot of times if you can take a break and come back, you just have a whole new refresh and thought process. Just like at the end of the day when you get done at your job and it’s five o’clock and you’re like, Oh, get me out of here. You come back the next day. And you’re like, Oh, I’ve had a good sleep. Or even the weekend, you get done with your weekend. You come back on Monday and you’re probably like, Oh, I have this job to do. But you probably feel a lot better on Monday than you did on Friday when you’re ready to get out of there.
The biggest dream killer is people who don’t take a break and take time for themselves. If you’re not taking care of yourself, then you’re not going to be able to be there later on to show up for other people.
And get these tasks done, whether it be just showing up for yourself. At some point you’re going to have to show up for other people, so start taking care of yourself now. Getting healthy, getting in that better frame of mindset. Taking a break and relaxing. It will make you so much more creative in the long run.
Those are my top five tips for how to avoid burnout, especially if you’re an entrepreneur because we all know it can be lonely on the ride and it can be lonely when you get to the top.
Now, I want to know, what is your goal? Either something to stop doing or start doing. Put that in the comments below and let me know if you want to avoid burnout when it comes to your business, then it might mean that you need to make sure that you have all of the pieces of the puzzle in place.
I have created a cheat sheet for how I do not get burned out whenever it comes to a new business idea, which is my startup cheat sheet to help you build your business from the ground up, and where you can find tons of free resources to help you brand your business.
Thanks for watching. And I will see you in the next video.
If we havenโt officially met Hi, I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be blogger, Female Entrepreneur, and Digital Nomad who LOVES RV Living, since it keeps me close to Nature! All though you can catch me from time to time on an airplane, in a hotel, Airbnb, as I can WORK FROM ANYWHERE not just my RV. Iโm also an all-natural, introverted, God Fearing, Rescue Dog Mom, but most importantly a Writer and Creator! Plus, you might not know I have a Finance Degree and am licensed in Master Cosmetology! I believe you can have many passions, create multiple streams of income, and donโt have to conform to the norm!
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Related (Videos):
- How To Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout Using These Four Tools
- Entrepreneur Life: How to Stay Motivated & Avoid Burnout
- Pulled in Too Many Directions? How the 1.3.1 Principle Can Help You Focus
- How to Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout (with 3 Simple Lists!)
- This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.