I received a question asking me “Hey Blogging Brandi, I’m struggling with Imposter syndrome and finding a passion, making money doing something I love! Now, I’m pressing pause on social media, my life, business, and everything! So I can figure out how to discover my passion. How do you find your passion? Find your life purpose? More specifically can you tell me – how to find your passion and make it your job?” Help I need to turn my passion to profit and fulfill my Life Purpose!

My response for how to find your passion in life? Finding passion and purpose in life takes time! But, if you want to know how to find your passion and purpose in life, plus make a profit from it! You have to make moves, try something, test, fail, learn grow repeat so you can get a response and then decide how to know what direction to go in life, business, your job, career, etc..

Wondering How To Figure Out What Direction To Go in Life? If you’re a Female Entrepreneur like me then you probably have multiple passions and struggle with how to find your passion and career? a.k.a. How To Find YOUR PASSION And MAKE MONEY?

I too have struggled with how to find my passion as a Digital Nomad and balance my RV Lifestyle which is why I like to call myself more of a Lifestyle Blogger or Lifestyle Vlogger should I say… And WHY I wanted to sit down to make this video and share How To Find Your Purpose, Passion and Profit from it!

BTW I did ask Michelle (from The Ginger Files) if I could share this since it was “Private” in my Secret Server part of my UnNicheMe aka Life Purpose Coaching Community!

Remember: “If you wait too long it might be too late” (for you to take action)

Want me to be your Life Purpose Coach?
⬇️ LEARN MORE & JOIN “UnNicheMe” ⬇️

✅ Amazon KDP is how I self-publish 📚 MY BOOK: Brand Like A Boss!

Printful is where I created custom merchandise and you can too!

Medium is where I made my Secret BLOG!

Birdies DogHouse is my Dog Rescue!

[QUICK TUTORIAL]How To Make Money Online ReSelling As A Side Hustle

Meet Michelle from @The_GingerFiles


If we haven’t officially met Hi, I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker Female Entrepreneur and Digital Nomad who LOVES RV Living, since it keeps me close to Nature! All though you can catch me from time to time on an airplane, in a hotel, Airbnb, as I can WORK FROM ANYWHERE not just my RV.

I’m also an all-natural, introverted, God Fearing, Rescue Dog Mom, but most importantly a Writer and Creator! I believe you can have many passions, create multiple streams of income, and don’t have to conform to the norm! Let me be your Life Coach!

📽 P.S. You Can WATCH MY STORY How I decided to Become A Solo Female Digital Nomad (NOT always RV Living) Entrepreneur!

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