Q&A Tuesday! (Amazon, Negotiating Business Deals, & YouTube Marketing)

Today is Q&A Tuesday! I’m answering all your burning questions from yesterday’s live stream. We’re covering selling on Amazon, Video Marketing on YouTube and How to Negotiate business deals!


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Here are the other two videos I launched today along with this one:

Oh and this is my reselling business 💻 @AmbayExchange 👉 http://ambayexchange.com

Video Transcript:

00:00:00 welcome bosses and thanks for following and joining me today is day five actually day six day six today day six yesterday was day five of v and I’m blogging Brandy if you haven’t subscribe make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss these episodes and hit that notification button below this video somewhere because I’m publishing every day in honor of feta today is Q&A Tuesday and if you followed my live stream yesterday then you would know that we just got back from Space Coast in Florida and now we’re back in Atlanta I travel in my RV

00:00:42 and run my businesses and here we are back in Atlanta my studio that you probably recognize from a lot of YouTube videos one of the questions that I got asked yesterday was by Robert belr thank you Robert for submitting your question and watching my videos I do do read your comments and the question Robert had to ask was hey Brandy when you were live streaming yesterday what was this box in the background that says bulk b u l q so Robert let me tell you what this box is this box is from bulk and this

00:01:28 is my amb exchange business so it’s a reseller reselling business and bulk.com is one of the places that I get my inventory from for a exchange this stuff um some stuff came in this box I know I’m saying this stuff and your way up here this stuff is some stuff that I get from bulk and they have new items that they set or you can get pets of items so these are just things that I sell toys and all kinds of random stuff so you can take a look at some of the random stuff that’s in here yes lots of random stuff that I

00:02:19 sell but that’s what I do for actually that’s what I did when I quit my job and ever started my own business was was reselling items online so I actually quit my $100,000 job reselling things online which turned into ambay exchange which is a blend of Amazon and eBay so you get ambay and that’s one of my businesses so thank you Robert for submitting your question for that if you have questions about business I want to hear them so make sure you put them in the comments so that you can be in my next video what

00:03:01 else let’s see what other questions we have about RV van life missed it we’ll try to catch the next stream next time I’d like for you to talk about how you negotiate business deals seems like that seems like that is always the hardest part thank you for your business tips well thank you RV van life for following Me And My Crazy Life um and my businesses I’m glad that we have another rver watching my content because that’s always exciting to me and I always wonder if rvers care about having their

00:03:36 own business or what they even do in their RVs you know to answer your question though about negotiating business Sals so it’s really a broad question but my guess is that maybe you have a product or service that you want to sell I think it depends on what you’re trying to sell who you’re trying to sell it to I know for me I I’ve sold products on Amazon I’ve sat down with Walmart CVS Walgreens some very major companies to put products in front of as well as I’ve done individual type products like

00:04:16 services so when I’m selling a service usually I’m trying to sell it over the phone or maybe in a webinar and I’m convince someone to hire me or buy a course of mine either way I try to sell products and services to people that can benefit them so I may have a phone call with someone or a really good way is to build an email list which I put a video out today um on my black boss Channel which I’ll put a link to below this video so I actually launched three videos today this one one for brand like

00:04:55 a boss and the third one is for ersity so I will put links to all those below this video and you can follow all the craziness so if you’ve ever thought about making videos or going into business and starting a YouTube channel you can do it I’ve done it and like I said I published launched edited three videos and they’re all going out today and you’re probably like how did she do it well that’s a great question I’m a freaking machine but back to your question about business Sals so I use YouTube to sell my products and services

00:05:27 because what happens is people find my videos through search engine so SEO and that gets them into my sales funnel and then it kind of starts a relationship and it goes on from there but as far as face to face negoti negotiations it depends on who you’re talking to as far as on the internet I try to build a relationship or a brand with someone before I try to sell to them I guess I’d like to know maybe what you’re trying to sell tell who you’re trying to negotiate with and I can better answer your question so I hope

00:06:05 that kind of gives you some advice I know that probably is really broad but the question is really broad so I don’t know who are you trying to negotiate a business deal with and that might help you but I would suggest building a brand before trying to negotiate a business business deal it’s almost like a relationship that you’re going to build before the deal will ever happen so if you build trust negotiating the deal is a lot easier yeah that helps thank you for watching and submitting your question RV van live so what else do we

00:06:38 have on okay so question number three in honor of vaa was submitted by Brady Hester you’re the lucky one that gets to be in the video today so Brady said hey Brandy what would you recommend to someone just starting YouTube well Brady my first question would be why are you making videos on YouTube I make videos to help people so people come to YouTube because they are looking for answers to questions or solutions to their problems and if they can find you in search results then you can probably provide some type of benefit from them

00:07:24 for them and answer those questions or Pro provide some type of solution to those problems and they will hopefully want to follow your other content so are you selling a product are you selling a service are you vlogging if you’re vlogging what is your motivation behind that because I did look at your channel Brady the one thing I noticed is it looks like you made some Vlogs I guess my question would be why are you making them what’s the point behind it and that would help direct your YouTube channel

00:07:55 and the other thing is to set your YouTube channel up so branding is really important branding yourself across social media branding yourself across YouTube branding yourself on a website you want to have a full profile online but YouTube is a great place to start because you can essentially build a vlog and a website and just have a profile for yourself on YouTube it’s just what are you doing with those videos I try to drive people from the videos to my email list or social media or to buy a product

00:08:25 or service or an affiliate link or hire me for something either email marketing social media SEO video marketing to review a product or service there’s tons of reasons that people hire me I’ve done travel Partnerships with people and help promote like their campgrounds or product and services with that so I’m into traveling as well as like Business Marketing Online and that’s why I make videos so if you see I have an rving YouTube channel and I have a branding and and business YouTube channel so rers

00:09:02 is my rving channel blad boss is my business and branding Channel but originally I used to put everything on this channel blogg and Brandy and it just turned into a mess of content I finally figured out that I needed to separate those parts of my business and segment them so part of niching down finding out who your audience is and trying to connect with them so hopefully that answers your question thank you for checking me out brayy and submitting your question to me hitting me up so hopefully if you have questions you will

00:09:35 put them below this video I’m blogging Brandy today was Q&A Tuesday thank you for watching my Vlogs here on Veta day six and I’m looking at the calendar on my computer so I can remember that if you haven’t subscribed subscribe hit that little bell icon below this video and make sure that you’re checking the descriptions below this video because I try to put all the things that I talk about in the descriptions of the video so that you can check out the links or the other videos that I mention and

00:10:09 you’re not just floating around in there as somebody said on my live stream yesterday you’re a weirdo again this weirdo is signing off thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next video tomorrow


If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…

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Got Questions? I’ve got answers…

🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!

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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.