Why Do I Need A YouTube Channel

Why do I need a YouTube channel // How to start a YouTube channel? These are all the questions I had when I started my YouTube channel. In this video,…

Quality vs Quantity (on YouTube)

Trying to decide is quality important on YouTube? When you are starting and figuring out how to make a YouTube Channel, quality vs quantity can be a huge debate. In…

How To Make Money Off Bitcoin

How to make money off Bitcoin // How to make money with Bitcoin? In this video, I’m going to explain what cryptocurrency is and how to make money. Most people…

How To Stop Complaining and Start Doing

How to stop complaining and start doing // Stop Complaining and Start Doing. In this video, I go off on a motivational rant. This is full of inspiration, motivation and…

How To Hire People For Your Business

How to hire people for your business // How to hire employees? In this video, I’m teaching you how to hire the right staff for your small business. Recruitment can…