My First Day Becoming A Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur [Documentary]

Need a little business motivation, to get in the Entrepreneur mindset? Whether you are Starting A Business, Starting A YouTube channel, or Starting A Blog, etc… This is how I got started on my journey: building a business, blogging, vlogging, and working from home or while I roam as a digital nomad. It’s my first entrepreneur documentary to get you inspired and give you a little nomadic entrepreneurial motivation!

ICYMI… If you want to learn about how to Become an Entrepreneur watch a motivational video by Gary Vee or Read a Book called The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss about How to Become a digital nomad those are a few of the strategies I use to get motivated as a entrepreneur living a location independent lifestyle! (for everything mentioned check the links below)

I decided to start recording my Daily Hustle on my grind to build my empire. I am learning everything about building my business from the ground up and improving daily. Follow me on my journey and learn what it takes to build a business. You will see my struggles from business to personal I’m exposing it all like #askgaryvee

Here is the Video Transcript:

Beginning My YouTube Journey

Go Figure. There is a Train Horn Blairing every time I try to record a video! It’s the exact kind of stuff that happens to me! I thought I could get up early and get some work done since everyone’s sleeping right now. Hopefully, I’m talking loud enough for my videos to record the audio and for you to hear me. Because I’m still learning how to record and edit videos.

Looking For Advice

I also read a lot, and I get a lot of questions from people about how to become an entrepreneur and digital nomad, and I guess what I do differently than what they’re doing. They’re looking for advice. Most people that I talk to are kind of ready to give up. They hate where they’re at, either with a project that they’re working on or with the job that they’re in. I watch motivational videos and read a lot for business motivation on how to build my business, and I figured that I would share that with you.

Day 1 Of My Journey

This is episode one of what was originally “Blogging Brandi’s Blurbs” But, the reason I wanted to start this “Entrepreneurial Journey” YouTube series is that I’m learning and want to share what I’m learning as I go. I’m not perfect, and I’m building “this thing”

Overnight Success

I watched a video called Overnight Success by Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) I believe he has a hashtag called #AskGaryVee, talking about Overnight Success, and that he gets a lot of questions about being an entrepreneur and people ready to give up.

(I get to that point. I’m at that point on projects that I’m working on now.)

But, He said he wishes that he would have recorded all of the videos that it took for him to get where he’s at because now people are asking him questions and saying: “Oh, you’re so lucky” — He hears from all these people back in high school saying “Oh, you’re so lucky for where you are”

I’m not lucky either I’m learning, testing, failing, growing, and repeating! Everything is Googlable, You can look on the internet and probably figure it out on your own.

Handle Your Haters

And then you have all the people, I guess that they want to hate. But, I feel like they’re lazy. If you ask me what I do and what I’ve accomplished… I feel your haters are lazy, bored, depressed, and unknown!

If you look through my blog and look at the information that I’ve put out there, you’ll figure out what all I’ve accomplished, what I do, etc… but I still get haters, hateful comments, and have tons of non-supporters too! Yet, I think a lot of that just comes from lazy people!

If your family doesn’t get it, your friends don’t get it, Don’t worry I do! I know you give up a lot as an entrepreneur. When starting a business you give up holidays, you give up everything!

I want to encourage people, I don’t want to put people down on my journey.

Starting My Daily Vlogs

I started recording my daily events, and kind of what I do. I’m on Periscope. I try to keep the name Blogging Brandi so everybody can kind of tell who I am across all the platforms.

When I’m recording: I don’t even know if I’m looking into the camera because I cannot figure out how to use my dang camera! So excuse me for saying that I shouldn’t have, God forgive me. I’m trying to be a better Christian too, so if any of you are religious, you may hear me say religious stuff.

I’m not perfect.

I’m not a perfect entrepreneur. I’m not a perfect Christian. I’m not a perfect anything. Nobody is. It’s all about the journey. It’s about how you get there. It’s about the relationships that you build on the way there.

You’re going to come across tons of people that are going to try to tear you down.

(Again, there’s more trains that freaking come.)

Waking Up Early

I’ve been getting up at 3 AM since I’ve been vacationing on the West Coast in Las Vegas. Usually, I’m on the East Coast. Usually, I wake up at 4 or 5am EST! Trying to keep up with the different time zones can be a challenge.

I was trying to do my daily routine, and I figured I would record it so that you can learn. I’m going to try to start doing some how-to videos so I can physically show you more. But, again at this point, I’m still learning how to record and edit my videos. That’s all in the making.

I learned how to make a GIF. People keep making fun of me for calling it a “Jiff”. But, I’m a real person.

Entrepreneur Mindset

I live, eat, breathe, sleep. I think about My business all the time! People say what is your business? I guess the easiest thing to say is: I’m trying to start either a blog or a vlog, and Build an email list!

I’ve learned that Emails are really important in your entrepreneurial journey. I’m trying to figure out what I want to give people for their email as an opt-in offer. I feel like everything I want to give them is not good enough. But I do have something started and it’s out there! I’m gonna try to improve on that daily.

I have figured out that another problem I’ve faced is I’m not engaging on social media. I’ve put out all kinds of content, and share other people’s content. But, the problem is when people respond, with likes and comments, etc… I don’t always say “oh, thank you” or answer any of their questions. Meaning I don’t do a great job of communicating as much as I do creating content to share. So that is one thing I’m trying to improve on.

Also, I am not good at looking at the camera or looking people in the eye. I can’t 100% figure out where the camera is at because I’ve been using different devices so it’s in different places!

Either way, I’m building something and I hope that you’ll follow me on my journey!

My website right now is www.BloggingBrandi.Com

What I’m Learning…

I wanted to start making a newsletter, to show people what I’m reading to help you understand how my brain works.

As you know, I’m building a business. My business right now is, I guess you would refer to it more as consulting because I help people with their companies and questions (some free and others paid) For the most part, I try to help a lot of people online.

What I’m learning is that you should create content called “evergreen content” which is content that doesn’t always need updating. You can just refresh it over time.

I need to start spending time engaging more on social media.

Fixing My Routine (Morning vs Night)

So in the morning, I get up, and I kind of plan my day. I know I should probably do that at night, which is what I’m gonna start focusing on. But I try to make my routines quick. I try to time myself. I try to put timers on. It’s kind of a habit you have to get into and I’m not perfect at it.

I spend and waste so much time on either social media, trying to learn how to use it or engage on it, and I just kind of get, I guess, swept up in the whole entrepreneur business. I’m fascinated by it, so I want to help people build their businesses.

Figuring Out My Business Goals

I want my business to be helping other people build their business, but I don’t even know exactly what type of business I would want to build. Someone, asked me to be on a show the other day and asked me some questions, and one of them was: If you could build any business in the world, what would it be?”

I was thinking, Well, I think I’m doing it right now. I’m trying to figure that out, and that’s part of the journey. You’re not going to start a company and automatically pick the perfect thing. It takes work.

If you want to be a blogger, it takes work. It takes learning about blogging, it takes following bloggers, it takes signing up for their email list, it takes getting up at 4am, it takes putting what’s going to make you money and what’s going to make you successful first.

So if you’re getting up every day and the first thing you’re doing is reading your emails and it’s draining you, then maybe you need to turn that around. I read a book called The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and I love it because it kind of changed my perspective on how to do work.

So if you’re not ready to quit your job or you suck at productivity, it’s probably a really good thing for you. Or if you’re deciding what business to go into, it might be something to think about.

Overnight Success vs Selling It All

Today was episode 1, and I hope to motivate you and help you know that creating a business is not an overnight success.

I’ve had businesses and I gave them up. I’ve had $100k jobs and gave them up. I have degrees, I gave up to become a digital nomad and entrepreneur! You’re going to give up a lot! Let me repeat that: You are Going to give up a lot. I gave up friends, I gave up family, I gave up relationships, I’ve given up houses, and cars. I’ve had the nice things, and still have the nice things.

But I’m selling them. I’m in the process of selling it all because it doesn’t make you happy. What would make me happy is to not have any of it. To honestly have, a suitcase with all of my belongings, my two dogs, and the freedom to go wherever I want. To be able to travel wherever I want. You can run a business from your computer!

So, I hope that I’ve inspired you and that you’ll follow me on my journey. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE on YouTube and Keep watching me for episode two.


If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…

If you can relate please don’t hesitate to WATCH this video, hit that like button and drop a comment below to let me know! And, of course, Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel HERE!

Got Questions? I’ve got answers…

🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!

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Don’t Miss A Thing…

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This video was originally published on my old Bloggin Brandi YouTube channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.
