Overnight Success: Entrepreneur Motivation For Getting Started (Or When You’re Ready To Give Up)

Entrepreneur mentality = 10 minutes for the next 10 years! Learning how to start a business and how to make money doesn’t happen overnight! If you’re struggling with “how to get rich” because you’ve been listening to others telling you to “do this and get rich” then STOP! This is one of the most POWERFUL Motivational Speeches (MUST WATCH)!

I made this motivational video in response to Overnight Success by Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) I wanted this to be a little entrepreneurial motivation to others and those who are thinking about starting a business and becoming an Entrepreneur. Or, those who are ready to give up and need some business motivation! Remember nothing happens overnight. Success is not luck, it is earned through sacrifice and hard work. But there are a few secrets to success that I’m sharing in this Entrepreneur documentary!

Plus, Tips for “how to start a business overnight and The Secrets Of Overnight Success (even if you are just beginning! Things I learned on my entrepreneurship journey becoming a digital nomad and nomadic entrepreneur!

Don’t forget to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and hit that bell icon to turn on notifications! Stay Tuned my Sara Blakely Moment is Coming soon!…

This is one of the First YouTube Videos I ever made. I was documenting my journey as an entrepreneur, and knew NOTHING about YouTube, or filming, editing, etc… So I was just taking to the camera. This video was originally posted on an old YouTube Channel of mine and I revamped it for my new Blogging Brandi YouTube Channel. Keep in mind it was filmed back when I started my business and journey into RV Life, becoming a digital nomad. And was in Response to another video I watched by Gary V. BTW it was Filmed at the Trump Hotel In Las Vegas, Nevada (back in October of 2016)

Here is the transcript from the video (unedited)

Hey everybody this is Blogging Brandi and I’ve been you know building my business for a couple of years now I mainly do Consulting but I kind of started a Blog and I wanted to make sure that I was motivating other people.

Starting, Learning, & Growing…

Sometimes I don’t always get to respond to everybody because I’m still learning social media and how to keep up with it all. So not only am I building my business, but I’m also learning how to do all of the things that I’m building at the same time. For instance: I learned how to use Twitter for the first time about six months ago. Now I’m at the point where I can teach other people how to use Twitter and most people I know don’t know how to use it!

Everyone always asks “Are you on Facebook?” Yes, I am but I don’t even know how to use Facebook! If you reach out to me on Facebook it’s not that I don’t see you or that I don’t care about you usually it’s because either I don’t know how to respond to you or it could be a combination of things but for the most part I don’t know how to use Facebook I’m still learning!

This is kind of in response to a video called Overnight Success by Gary Vaynerchuk!

And I’m sure this video is not perfect but hey I’m doing it and I’m making videos so hopefully that’s what matters! This is kind of raw footage as I’m learning how to edit, etc…Yet, at the same time, I kind of think that raw footage is best because that’s what you need Is to be real! But you also have to keep people’s attention (and I’ll tell you this if I don’t keep your attention then you have a short attention span 😂)

I’m NOT Lucky

In response to his video, Gary V said “I’m not lucky” and I feel the same way. I’m not lucky! I got where I was in the job that I was in because I freaking worked my butt off! I gave up everything including friends to go work a job that sucked in Corporate America. I went and got all these degrees and licenses. Tried to have this BIG Fancy Corporate title yet it didn’t mean anything at the end of the day! Plus, I hated it and My job sucked.

Just know if you have a corporate job I’m going to encourage you to quit it if you keep reading my blogs, watching my videos and following me you’re going to end up quitting your job eventually! So if you want to quit your job then don’t stop here because eventually you’ll probably want to quit! I know, since I felt like I’ve slaved for the past several years in this building of my business and it’s not going to be an overnight thing. It’s not!

Quitting & Starting Require Hard Work

I get up every morning at 3 4 5 6 a.m. Even if I’m not putting out content. Sometimes you know I have that struggle of what to put out? But, I’m learning and that’s what matters I’m putting this video out. I’m trying to start this Vlog series more because I want to hold myself more accountable. So if you don’t see my videos coming hopefully you can send me something saying to put your videos out! Either way let me know you like them by hitting the like button and leaving comments! I am learning how to read them and respond to them I would love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I’m also on Periscope. I’m on Twitter (now X). I’m on Facebook. I have a blog on Medium. So I’m learning how to use all that. I think I’m probably going to try to create a hashtag soon I’ll release that whenever I come up with it… but I’m learning and it’s really cool to learn and kind of go through the motions.

About Fame…

It’s I guess funny to hear people say like oh they’re so obsessed with celebrities and what funny is I talk to celebrities every day they give me advice on how to build my business. They respond to me! I talk to people that you probably wish you could talk to and you never do! The one person I haven’t talked to that I really want to and I haven’t really worked on probably because I’m more shy! I’ve been saying “oh I want to make a big attempt” and I shouldn’t wait!

Don’t wait for the perfect moment, get started now! lf you’re still in your corporate job start now! Start building everything. Start your email list. Start communicating with people. Network and Be friends with people (even if you’re not friends with them just act like you’re friends with them).

If I Could Start Over

I would if I could start over, I would have started building my business hardcore while I was working. Not to say that I wasn’t because I was but I wish that I would have been building an email list. I wish that I had been thinking long-term. I was thinking get me the heck out of here I don’t want to be here anymore. Plus, I was making so much money from a side project that I had that I didn’t care what was going on.

Don’t get in that mindset like you don’t care I would tell you to care the whole time and build relationships, keep an email list, etc.. Make sure that you have a place where you’re keeping all of your contacts. I use MailChimp, and it’s pretty easy to set up! (I have a blog out there I wrote about “How to Start a Business Overnight for FREE & Still Look Successful” — it’s more tools and resources. Plus, a little bit of encouragement for those of you who are trying to do that…)

I didn’t want to make this video long I kind of wanted to make it short and hopefully encourage people to watch it so if you’re encouraged by me hopefully you’ll keep watching my videos and like I said Gary V these were in response to the video Overnight Success. — One of the things he said is “how unfortunate he was and sad that he wasn’t documenting everything that he did to become successful” — (so once I become a millionaire or billionaire I hope all these videos make it out there and I’m sure maybe I’ll be sitting on Oprah and laughing at this!

My Wish List

But if I could meet anyone I want to meet Sara Blakely so hopefully I’ll be sitting in her office laughing at these videos and saying “Oh man I wish I would have done that sooner” because I’ve been building my businesses and I’ve never shown anybody how I do it! I build websites, I can show you how to freaking create your SEO, your backlinks, videos, and GIFs, plus where to get your images. I can show you how to build a business from zero starting from nothing! Whether you have $5 to invest or $100 I can show you how to take what you have and how to start building a business.

No matter your excuse. If you say it’s not possible I have kids I have money issues I have debt. FYI you’re going to have debt when you build your business! All that stuff’s not going to matter so if that’s your excuse keep going with it! You just need to get ready and start that’s what you need to do! That’s what’s going to matter because this is when no one’s watching. Right now when I have one subscriber!

When you start it might just be family and friends watching you. But I love each and every one of them and am glad that people want to watch or read. I hope that I encourage you to not wait any longer!

Don’t Wait Until You Retire

It’s really sad to see that my parents have retired and that I’m just now starting this journey. Yet, when I went into Corporate America I was making more than what they retired with! So, I refused to to build my life and see how much they did to become successful to retire, and have their dreams! I’m not going to do that.

I can have my dream now so why would I keep waiting? Do you know it’s a gift every morning to wake up and to be able to do whatever you want? I believe that and that’s what I’m building so if you want that for your life then I hope that you’ll follow me on your journey.

Ask me questions! I have the mindset of I’ll do whatever it takes to help you become successful because you becoming successful is what makes me successful.

(Almost) Everything Is Out Of Your Control

Also, remember for people who say I’m not sure if I want to get started doing this or that. You are already living your life under a microscope. When I was in Corporate America I kind of got hated for things that were out there out of my control. Nothing really had to do with me it was more so friends of mine or that my bosses got into my personal business. Because back then, I didn’t have social media! But you have to remember in a small town people meet people, and people hear things (or say things)!

I had to give up bonuses sometimes because of things people said about me and come to find out later on my boss would tell me “Oh you know I’m really so sorry this thing I heard about you made me not give you your bonus!” That was my livelihood!

Remove Toxic Talk

People don’t understand the impact of their words and the things that you do say! So make sure that when you’re speaking you’re making an impact and you have something positive to say that it’s helping people, building people up! Because hanging out with people that at toxic sucks! They don’t build you up, they complain and eventually listening to that every day is just going to drain your motivation! So Surround yourself with other like-minded entrepreneurs and if not in person then build your community online and start going from there!

I hope this is motivation for you! I hope that you’ll follow me on my journey!


If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…

If you can relate please don’t hesitate to WATCH this video, hit that like button and drop a comment below to let me know! And, of course, Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel HERE!

Got Questions? I’ve got answers…

🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!

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[VIDEO] Overnight Success: Gary Vaynerchuk

Here is the Blog post I was referring to: How to Start a Business Overnight for FREE & Still Look Successful
