How I Make Money Online & You Can Too!
Yes, I am living the dream…life on my own terms. Making a living with no fixed office, no boss, no “job” plus the freedom to live and work from wherever I like. Some people call me a Digital Nomad others a Nomadic Entrepreneur. But You can do it too!
Whether you want to work from home or while you roam: Make Money On The Road in your RV, from an AirBnb, a Hotel, or doing the Van Life thing — ANYWHERE you want to be! Maybe you just want to have the option to live a location-independent lifestyle, take off for more than a week, and spend more time with your dogs, cat, spouse, or family! Learning ways to make money online and How to become a digital nomad gives you FREEDOM!
So I wanted to share a source of inspiration or what I’d like to call my Make Money series to prove where there is a will there’s a way! FYI this post is just one of many!
“Perfection is the enemy of done and the perfect excuse for Procrastination! Make a move, go for done, and you can always come back later to improve! Just like this blog post, I’m writing for you!“
Also, I figured if I was going to start this open, honest, and hopefully helpful How To Make Money Online, series, I better start with myself. So, if you’ve been wondering how can I make money online? Better yet, how to make money from anywhere? Or just looking for Online Business Ideas that will allow you to work remotely Here we go Keep reading!
SIDE NOTE: Be sure to BOOKMARK this page! I plan to continue updating it along the way…
So let’s be real there is no ONE source of income! I have multiple streams of income and I’ve made money in MANY DIFFERENT WAYS! I also do not believe in ONE job, ONE boss, or ONE monetary plan because if one stream stops working you will need to have another coming in! Plus, IYKYK I have a degree in Finance and a background in Financial Planning, so I might know a thing or two about MONEY!
EVEN IF YOU HAVE A JOB or are SEMI-RETIRED as you are reading this, YES you can start to build a second, third, or fourth… source of income!
DISCLAIMER: It is NOT HARD to Be Your Own Boss and Make Money Online BUT it does take HARD WORK and dedication just as any other hobby, or job! I’d rather be working towards my own dreams and goals than building someone else’s though!
- Private Labeling
- ReSelling
- Affiliate Marketing
- Selling Services & Skills
- Writing A Book
- YouTube
- Custom Merchandise
- Online Courses
- App Development
- Brands & Partnerships
- Memberships
- Coaching & Consulting
- Donations & Tips
- Plus, More…
Probably the very first way I found to make money online is by private labeling products.
If you’re not sure what “Private labeling” in terms of products means you actually take someone else’s product, put your name on it, and sell it (almost as if you made it). It is not really lying. It’s what a lot of manufacturers and companies do! You cannot expect them to manufacture all their own products!
If you go to the grocery store or check out some items in your cabinet now, take a look at their labels. I’m sure you’ll find some that say “not affiliated with,” “not made by” or “made by whatever company”. These are called co-packers and manufacturers.
EXAMPLE: Probably the very first way I found to make money online is by private labeling products. I decided to sell e-liquids that you put into those vape pens to smoke it. I had this product made and shipped over here from overseas, but it was privately labeled. I didn’t make the product or anything, the manufacturer did everything. They just put my name on it and sent it to me and I started selling it.

Yet it was NOT something that I did or cared about. It was this brilliant idea that somebody else gave me which ended up being a failure. It was NOT a great investment. You should really know what you are selling first before investing time and money. My company was called “Smoke Serendipity” but the funny part is that since I didn’t smoke these vape pens I did NOT know that! So, come to find out vapers who buy the e-liquid would not want to “SMOKE” anything they call it “Vaping” aka a learning lesson in business.
Even though some might say, the first product I tried to private label was a big fail it did teach me a lot about importing and exporting, as well as private labeling, product design, and even how to liquidate inventory, etc… It was a CRASH COURSE for starting my own business!
Flipping and reselling items is one of the ways I’ve been able to make money online. That was really what allowed me to quit my nine-to-five job. I worked for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. If you haven’t seen my story, you can check that out here for more details.
Flipping and reselling refer to the practice of buying items at a lower price with the intention of selling them at a higher price, thereby making a profit. This activity can be applied to a wide range of products, including electronics, clothing, collectibles, furniture, and more. The individuals who engage in flipping and reselling are often referred to as “flippers” or “resellers.”
But I was able to quit my job flipping items that I found at places like Goodwill, Walmart, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, Target, you name it! Then I started going to pallet auctions. I also would find things online and sell them. I sold both new and used items and tested out returned items.
I cannot tell you how much money I have made selling magic kits, rain chains, horse jackets, tampons, pool filters, pet products, baby items, you name it. The more random the more money I make!
But, I really started liking new items. So I would physically get these pallets delivered to my condo in the city at the time and then take them upstairs and list them online to resell these items. I also, ventured out to get an office but that was a HUGE unnecessary EXPENSE! It sucked up a lot of my profit!
So I got rid of it and Then once I sold my condo, I would start finding these items online and sending them off to Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) or leaving them at my Mom’s house for her to mail for me, or I would start taking ’em with me in the RV, my car where ever I was going to be… So I would ship them from wherever I was located or I would have somebody else ship them for me.

I’ve made money selling on many different platforms, but my favorites are Amazon and eBay, plus recently I added a closet on Poshmark. So I started listing clothing items, accessories, handbags, and pet products that are just sitting around not getting used! Most everything I have up for sale is new!

Flipping and reselling items online, you can make a lot of money, but it does take time. And so that is one way that I have made money online. However, I make the most money when I find one product that I can buy multiples of! I will physically scan items with my phone while walking around stores. Even NOW if I see something I think is a great buy I will scan it or do a quick Google search to see if it is worth my money and time!
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is another way I make money online. I Sign up and share links or codes to products and services I use. After I recommend these items, people click a link and buy an item then those companies share a portion of the profits with me! But I ONLY try to recommend products and services I have used or thoroughly researched, tested, etc…
For example: I made a VIDEO and shared a BLOG post referencing my “TOP GIFT IDEAS FOR RVERS aka MY RV CHRISTMAS LIST” and mentioned “How much I love my walkie-talkies in my RV, telling you to click the link below to get them for yourself…”

- In another blog post “My RV Remote Work Setup & Must Haves for Digital Nomads!” I share all my essential gear for running my business online.
- In this blog post on my RVersity website, I share my “15 GIFTS FOR RV OWNERS FULL TIME RV LIVING!”
- I also made an entire series sharing my RV Bedroom, RV Bathroom, and RV Kitchen Essentials
OR I might just post a picture on Social Media, My Blog, etc… and mention the brands, locations, dress, handbag, hat, and sunglasses, I am wearing with a little link telling people what I’m wearing and where to get them! Like I did when I posted about “Taking Time OFF Makes Me More Money: Here’s How“

If you were to scroll to the bottom of the blog post, I inserted a section at the bottom letting people know what was in the photo!
Photo Credit:
- My Dress and Flip Fops in this pic are by Lilly Pulitzer
- My Sling Bag is by Vera Bradley
- My Sunglasses are Transitional Glow in the Dark Sunglasses by Zenni Optical
- Location: The Cove at the Atlantis in Nassau, Bahamas 🇧🇸

AGAIN all with the same concept. If someone clicks the links and purchases any of the items I mentioned I will receive a commission.
I can even simply tell people to visit my Amazon Store and they can look for all the recommended items I use from Amazon!
But, Affiliate marketing can also work the other way. For instance, if you were to take my course, or sign up for one of my memberships and then you recommended someone else to do the same, then I would give away a referral fee to somebody for joining. That’s another way of affiliate marketing, but you couldn’t do that unless you actually took my course, or joined my membership program. Plus, I don’t really solicit my business like that, but that’s just another example of one way I make money online is by not only sharing other people’s links but having them share mine!
Brands & Partnerships
Whether it is in exchange for some type of paid promotion or product review, mention, tutorial, etc… I have had some BIG and small companies reach out asking me to promote their products for them. Sometimes it consists of a cash payment, and/or I might receive a FREE product or Service type of benefit! People either pay me, mail me a physical product or allow me access to their product(s) and service(s) for FREE! Because something you don’t have to pay for is still saving, aka making you money!
OR sometimes I get BRANDS to work for me! It’s also referred to as “Authority Hacking” which is me tagging them via their hashtags #s on social media, reviewing them, mentioning them @theirbrandhandle etc… I’ve even made YouTube Videos to get “Noticed” — all of this is like FREE advertising by building brand awareness online through networking…
For instance: On my trip to The Atlantis in the Bahamas I decided to tag, and mention their Brand — what do you know they NOTICED, liked, and commented! Taking it a step further to ask if they could SHARE MY CONTENT with their Audience!

Did I make any money? NO in fact I spent money, but while I was spending money I wanted to get something in return for my time spent TAKING ALL THOSE PICTURES, VIDEOS, and POSTING them! I do NOT just create and share content unless there is a purpose! But, I did get something for FREE which was BRAND AWARENESS & PUBLICITY for ME! Plus, you never know who else is going to see and take notice of me! They just had a HUGE blowout party with big-name celebrities and they were probably sitting in this same swing! 😉
Services & Skills
Another way that I have made money online is by selling my services and skills! As a Freelancer I can allow myself to help multiple companies or find one specific one to work for online. Selling your services and skills means it’s the same thing as having a job. You’re just selling your services and skills to multiple people or having small gigs, not necessarily working for one employer.
I have helped as a virtual assistant, handling social media, creating spreadsheets, graphic design, videographer/editor, content creator, email marketing, SEO services, Website Building, Branding, and soooooo much more.
In fact, when I made a video tutorial for GoDaddy showing how to set up a website for my audience on YouTube or everyone else to see — Who knew WIX.com technically their competitors would hit me up and offer me REAL MONEY to do the same thing I had originally made for free!

Since I have a degree in Finance and a background in Accounting, Taxes, Financial Planning, and Investments. Plus, I’ve acquired some serious licenses over the years: Series 7, Series 66, Insurance Licenses, Variable Products, and annuities… IYKYK! I have also sold my skills to help others with financial planning, investments, etc…

Plus, my first career! I’ve been and still am a licensed Master Cosmetologist for almost 20 years! I have cut hair, done makeup, nails, and more in person to make money. But, I could offer a lesson, coaching, or some form of help with this to those seeking to get into the industry or something similar!

And, I’ve been to some pretty BIG events, talked to some pretty BIG people, and helped pitch products to some pretty BIG companies. Think, CVS, Walgreens, Dollar Store, Walmart and more! Even with a BLACK EYE and all! 🤦♀️

Another way I have found to make money online is by creating online courses. Creating an online course is a great way to package your service or skills and sell them so others can learn from you anytime online 24/7 without having to have you there!

I’ve created online courses of my own on various topics such as:
- Retail Arbitrage
- Branding 101
- Crypto Crash Course “Bitcoin Blueprint“
- Email Marketing 101
- Product Development
- “Full-Time RV Life Formula” RVing Crash Course @RVersity
- RVing For Bosses
- Social Media Marketing Crash Course
- Website Workshop
- YouTube Video Marketing
Now, my one drawback to an online course is that they take time to create then you also have to worry about updating them! So, I’ve started to shy away from creating them, or if I do I prefer to make them in smaller doses people will actually consume and take action to do! Another option I like is a Masterclass on a topic vs an entire subject at one time. But, one thing I’m good at is teaching!
Writing A Book
One of the ways to make money online I’ve profited from and you can too is by writing a book. YES, I’m an author and I’ve actually written a book if you didn’t know that! You can check out a link to my book “Brand Like A Boss”
Funny Story: The first book I published had no page numbers in it! 🤦♀️
Don’t worry, we all make mistakes. That’s how you become an entrepreneur. I did one thing which led to the next thing and the next thing. Plus, you don’t learn until you actually do something and take action. I challenged myself and gave myself a deadline no matter what the results! So I posted my “Pre-Release” or “Prelaunch” on Amazon and got busy writing + promoting! So the best way to learn how to write a book and make money is just to start!
But you don’t have to write an entire book! Maybe you are wondering “how to earn money by writing stories,” I wrote a little guide on “How To Name Your Company” which is only offered online via Kindle. So if you’re curious about “how to write an ebook and make money” that was my first attempt 😉

Another way I have found to make money online is by starting a YouTube channel. You can start a YouTube channel, and you can monetize it. Or you can use it to build your brand, sell your products and services, as well as, find other brands that would like for you to feature their products and services!
So YES after you acquire enough watch time and subscribers you can make money by allowing ads to be displayed on your YouTube content. And then you have other options like SUPER FANS who can sign up to get more of you and special access to you then pay a monthly subscription. (I DO NOT DO THIS)

It does take a while to actually build an audience and monetize it, but I use YouTube for different reasons. So I did not start out looking to have a mass following on social media, although one of my YouTube channels @RVersity does have over 5,000 subscribers and growing. Plus, over 700,000 views!

But, I’ve had several YouTube channels over the years and it’s really not about thousands and thousands of subscribers unless you’re trying to use YouTube as an entertainer and make a bunch of ad money off of it.
I also use YouTube to create awareness about my brand and sell my products and services — kind of how I say, “I’m a coach you can book a call with me” and “I have an online program you can take” or “I have created these products and services and you can go below this video in the description and find a link to all of those in “my store” aka shop. That is another way that I use YouTube or I’ll tell people to go to a “download” or go to my “RV masterclass” — so I will get them off of the YouTube platform.
For example: I created my “BLBABoss YouTube Channel” which is all tailored to Business, Branding, Entrepreneurship, etc… it also went along with the content of my book “Brand Like A Boss”

I also have my OLD original VERY FIRST YouTube Channel for “Bloggin Brandi“

I use YouTube to answer questions that people are looking for answers to and provide solutions to their problems. So that people are SEARCHING for me! Similar to you might have found me, by watching one of my videos or stumbling across one of my blog posts.
I post topics people are searching for i.e. “50 Online business ideas” or “How To Prepare for RV Life“
So I use YouTube as an entrepreneur to promote my own products and services, build a fan base and awareness about my brand! I get people to Leave OFF of YouTube and go to my website, subscribe to my newsletter aka my email list, join my secret Facebook group for my truest Fans and followers, or over @RVersity they might want to join my free RV Facebook community, etc…
Selling Custom Merchandise
Another way I’ve been able to make money online is by designing and selling my own custom merchandise and apparel. Now, people have to actually wanna buy the things that you are selling, but I have made hats, t-shirts, cups, bags, pillowcases, stickers, and more! Trust me if you make, them, and build a brand around them, then people will buy them from you.
For instance: I know a lot of RVers like to sell their stickers and people collect their stickers from them. I even made one for RVersity!

It’s easy to do and free to get set up with Printful (you can start making & selling your own merchandise in a matter of minutes today!)
You can create, print, and sell almost any type of product: hats, cups, t-shirts, bags, pillows, stickers, etc…
- Use a Quote or phrase you like or made up
- Upload A design you created (or your logo)
- Get ideas from Pinterest
- Hire someone on Fiverr.com to create your Design!
- Use Canva.com to make something of your own!

Plus, you don’t actually have to take possession of these items. You can do this and they will drop ship them all for you. Printful is one of my favorite places for that and where I have created some merchandise and things to sell online. But the best part is it’s all print to order like a fast food restaurant — so they do all the printing, packing, and shipping for you!
One of the ways that I’ve been able to make money online (or on my phone “online” should I say) was by developing a mobile app and listing it for sale in the Apple and Google Play stores!
YES, I have an APP BUT let me be very clear this is NOT how I’d suggest making money online, or at least NOT for your first investment. I created an RV Checklist app on Apple IOS & Android (I’m not even sure if they’re for sale anymore) – that’s how little I make from them and how BIG of a time investment they were to create – PLUS CONTINUOUSLY UPDATE!

So little to say I built my Apps for Apple and Android for a total of $500 USD! And sell it for $5 USD (minus ALL the FEES so more like $2 every time someone downloads the app… It takes the same amount of effort to sell a $5, $500, or $5000 product! But the return on investment is what you should be aiming for! I GAVE UPON THIS A LONG TIME AGO!)
Another way I make money online is by offering memberships! It gives my readers, and viewers, a way to support me while also receiving a benefit — People pay a monthly, quarterly, or annual dollar amount in exchange for getting PREMIUM ACCESS to me, my content, community, and going Behind the Scenes with me by JOINING MY SECRET SOCIETY…
Some of the Exclusive Member Benefits include:
- ✅ LIVE Zoom meetings, Updates, Hangouts, plus Q&A Sessions!
- ✅ Extra Exclusive Member ONLY Content!
- ✅ Be the first to know about my newest YouTube videos, view my bloopers and go Behind the scenes with me!
- ✅ Active, Supportive, Community + ACCESS to my SECRET SERVER a Private chat group through Discord! So you can TEXT & TALK TO ME! Giveaways, Prizes, Discounts, And more!
- ✅ Charity! Supporting animals in need is very important to me. A portion of your monthly pledge goes to Birdies Doghouse my dog rescue!
I offer one for my Blogging Brandi fans on this blog called “UnNicheMe” who just LOVE reading and consuming my content. Since I can talk about anything and everything on my Lifestyle Blog from:
- Mindset & Motivation
- Budgeting & Financial Planning
- Going Digital With Your Life (Becoming a Digital Nomad)
- Entrepreneurship, Building A Business, Etc…
- Personal Branding
- RV Life, RV Living, RVing, Etc…
- Spiritual & Religious Thoughts…
- Healing (How I Healed…)
- Blogging / Writing
- Love & Relationships
- Dogs & Cats
- And More…
But I offer another membership for my RV lovers who really only care about RVing via www.RVersity.com/join It’s a similar concept but two different audiences. The reason I did that is because NOT everyone who follows me cares about RVing, or should I say my RV Lovers do not all care about the other topics I might want to discuss like, business, branding, Dogs, Mindset, and more — which is why I have THIS personal BLOG “Blogging Brandi” for! 😉
Coaching & Consulting
Another way I’ve found to make money online is by coaching and consulting. So I do have my online programs I sell that people can work on at their own pace, but I also offer 1:1 individual coaching and consulting or sometimes just Q&A Sessions for people who want to call and talk to me! I actually sell my skills and services as a coach, mentor, teacher, guide, expert…

Booking a Power Chat with me is designed to help you gain clarity and direction plus leave with a solution to your problem, having confidence and peace of mind moving forward over your ideas. Ask questions and get answers about all the topics I blog about: RVing, Finances, Business, Making Money Online, Becoming Nomadic, Minimalism, Downsizing Your Life To Make it Mobile along with your income, and more!
After people find me on YouTube, watch a video, or read a Blog post (kind of like this one…) they tend to have questions and want to talk more in-depth with me!

Donations & Tips
Another way I make money online is through donations and tips for those who love to read my blogs and watch my videos! There are always ways to say thanks!
A couple of bucks pays for a video upload or allows me to take time and write another blog post, and a few more buy me a drink while I wait! Use the tip jar button below. I’ll toast to you while I upload my next video or blog post. Plus, secretly I celebrate wherever I am around the world every time a donation is made. You can PAYPAL me ANY AMOUNT you feel necessary from $1 to $1Million and up! 😉
And of course, you can always take it a step further and become a monthly MEMBER to show your support!
NOW these are just SOME of the WAYS I’ve found to make money online and you can too! But, I’ve got a list of ideas full of quick cash no experience money making ideas. Plus, Remote Jobs and Gigs. Not to mention 50 Online Business Ideas to help you get started with a side hustle and generate an income for yourself! Be sure to pick those up in my ultimate guide to making money online!