How To Stop Letting People Take Advantage Of You
Are you a people pleaser who is always being taken advantage of? In this video, I’m going to teach you how to stop letting people take advantage of you. I was a pushover and this was the main reason many people take advantage of me until now! This is how not to be taken advantage of with tactical tips based on science. Are you letting people take advantage of you? Here is what to do…
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Here’s the transcript from the video (unedited)
I was sitting here thinking today and you know I try to watch a lot of my favorite people and get motivation about this so I figured it’s something that all of you bring up to me and it’s something that I struggle with as well which is what to talk about? how to start? What’s holding you back? Whether it’s a job that you’re in that you don’t want to be in or whether it’s a business that you just started. Maybe you’re getting started on YouTube and you’re not sure what the next moves are? or it’s just something that you want to do and see if you could ever make money at it?
You know I started out just kind of by accident falling into making videos and my channel really hasn’t taken off I mean right now I have like 200 subscribers which I get for some of you that’s probably more than you have and it’s funny because I’m actually really good on video and I have a ton of video content that has never been published but I keep saying to myself” “why are you not starting? why are you not putting it out there?”
I find myself making excuses and what’s funny is I always tell other people like oh you know that’s just an excuse but in reality I make a lot of my own excuses and some of it I want to say it’s because of other people and really it is but but it’s because I have let them create either task or problems in my life if you kind of put your foot down and you teach people one how to treat you two how to prioritize your time it will change for
00:01:47 you things will change because before I just kind of let people say and do whatever and I would just go along with like if they wanted to change plans I remember I had a boss one time and I would do things one way and then he would come back and make me do it a completely different way the same thing I just did and I spend hours on these projects sometimes days and he had no care in the world but I knew that I was doing something that was completely inefficient and a waste of my time and as a person a human being it’s like why
00:02:20 am I wasting my time working for you or doing something for you and you don’t even care and so I’ve started to try to figure that out with my own time I’ve even had to turn down certain jobs or clients because I knew that it would take more of my time and it’s because I’ve started working with several of them and then once I get into their businesses I’ll see that it needs a lot more work and a lot of people just aren’t willing to put in the time to make something better and a lot of times it’s just time it doesn’t have to be
00:02:51 money but the key is if you say I don’t have the time then you’d have to have the money so that somebody else can make their time to make make your dream a reality so you either have time or you have money I mean that’s like my thought on it but it’s more of getting started for me I’m trying not to make any more excuses and I want to do more live videos I want to be putting videos out more often and I’ve just kind of put the breaks on my business and step back and said you know I’m not going to put
00:03:28 all my content out there but really it hurt me in the end because I don’t know I had this client and it really pisses me off honestly that I’ve worked for them for a while and there was a lot of things for a long time that I did for them for free just because I really cared about them and I believed in what I could do and still to this day when I hear them say things like uh why they said something to me other day so well you know I could let you go and get someone else and I was thinking well that’s why they’re
00:03:59 just collecting money up front from you and I’m not collecting money up front from you because I know what I’m doing and I’m putting those things in place for you to have something long term because what’s funny is I’m starting to see a lot of these consultants and people saying you know I provide my services which is fine I provide services it’s how you do it when you’re going in and telling people pay me all this money up front and I’m going to make you all these promises and get you all these things I don’t know I just
00:04:27 feel like if you’re able to come up with those those results it’s not just a bunch of random snapshots you send me and a bunch of big talk and let’s be real we can all put up a website so anyone can look as big as they want I’ve tried to be really genuine in myself and the things that I have I am very blessed and I do live a very blessed lifestyle but I try not to say like that’s what life is about because there’s a lot of ugly struggles that go on throughout my week and you know even right now I’m so
00:05:00 so pissed that I’ve let a lot of activities both personal and business get in the way of my happiness and my success and I was just looking I was like man it’s been a year since I started making videos and I’m not where I want to be something’s got to change are you somewhere that you don’t want to be are you with someone you don’t want to be with are you with an employer that just sucks I mean what if you’re an employee and you don’t want to be there or what if you’re the loss of a business and you
00:05:31 don’t want to do that business anymore maybe you don’t have that passion anymore it really takes a ripple effect on your employees as well as your business if you don’t think about those things so you know put yourself in someone else’s shoes but give you an update of like the things that I have going on you know I run two companies I run my company and then I also run another company that we sell a product for and I’ll probably mention that on here at some point I just haven’t yet if you’ve seen my videos you probably could
00:06:03 pick it out but I’m sometimes shy just like you and I’m trying to plan anyways oh my gosh my RV has been the RV From Hell from the beginning of last year I went through a really bad car accident you know I forget about this but I went through a really bad car accident a lot of you don’t know that I was getting 12 shots in my back you know every other week I had to go to the doctor three times a week and it just got really hard for me to make my videos and I was just really depressed and you know it’s
00:06:32 taking a long time to come from that and I don’t want you to get depressed because don’t let you know other people or their priorities get in the way of like what you want because there is like another piece of the puzzle there is a positive side on it definitely come a long way and even now like I part of it I feel like maybe I don’t make my videos is because I’m not happy you know maybe it’s because I’m not where I want to be and it’s because I’ve let other people control that and you know when I
00:07:05 left Corporate America I left Corporate America because I was tired of these other people controlling that if you want a change you have to be the change you know I’m such a cry baby I cry like all the time both good and bad like I cry for happy things and I cry for sad things I cry for happy things like all the time CRA for had things all the time and it doesn’t have to be me it can be somebody else’s stuff too like the Las Vegas stuff that’s just really tore me up because that’s like my second home when
00:07:38 I’m not here in Atlanta and I have friends and family there and a lot of you know in my videos you’ve seen that I’m in Vegas sometimes and it was really hard to watch unfold on social media but going through what I’ve gone through in my RV and going through my rack and then I got another RV and I’m so over with people and your customer service some of the largest actually the largest camping place in America H has made my life a living hell seriously it’s been a year I bought an RV from them back in
00:08:19 February and see it’s okay to cry like you can cry if you want to and I remember my boss was tell me I couldn’t cry and look I’m crying now and I’m totally going to put this out on my video and I don’t care cuz I can and I hope you watch this one day watching me cry making money off you watching my video so anyways taking a break from that um if you can’t tell like I seriously hate Corporate America just because of how they made me feel and they wouldn’t let me be myself and I was forced to be in some shell but
00:08:54 and trying to just get through this what was I say the RV people they make me so mad you know I would go to them all the time and expect them if I Dro my RV off it shouldn’t take 6 weeks to get a RV back or 4 weeks or 2 months or I mean my gosh it took like 3 months one time to get my RV back and now I still don’t have my RV I dropped it off about four weeks ago and it’s just the run around the run around the run around like you could just get tired I’m paying for something I never get to use I pay for
00:09:23 insurance I pay for note on it and then by the time I actually use it it costs even more money so I just get tired of it and I’m so over you and you know I have a plan it a big plan but you’ll find out soon anyways yeah so if you want to get started you have to stop letting other people and their priorities get in your way and you have to put your priorities first and say okay where do I want to go and are the things that I’m doing getting me a step closer to where I’m trying to be if you’re trying to do
00:09:57 YouTube videos are you putting out YouTube videos If you’re trying to do blog post are you actually putting out blog posts and one thing that I feel like a lot of people do is they say like oh I’m going to wait or I’ll do it all at one time and they’re like always planning and I get really guilty of that is always planning and kind of a game changer was hiring people and being able to Outsource my task because I did find that I was trying to do a lot by myself and not relying on other people to help
00:10:22 me hardest part is actually training them to kind of go forward for you and you know I always have like these hot dogs I always have to go let out all day so like I said my life why I never get anything done because everybody else’s priorities so yeah we’re going to try to start putting these out way more often because I’m over it at this point I don’t care if I put out a video every day and it’s a shitty video I feel like at the end of 30 days it won’t be shitty anymore you know what I’m saying cuz I
00:10:58 put this video out quality over quantity and quantity versus quality and I really feel like if you want to get started on something just putting yourself out there and doing what you really do the best which is what you know I want to be myself I don’t want to be fake if I cry I cry if I don’t cry I don’t cry but you’re a real person and I’m a real person so why should I have to hide that anymore especially if I work for you at a corporation why can’t I be myself why can’t I check a little personal email
00:11:22 here or there or get on my phone and make a phone call I don’t want to be on your time schedule the world doesn’t have to operate in a 9 to5 because when they do it’s kind of counterproductive you know if you’re working a 9 to5 because you’re working in that time schedule of 9 to five so you have to kind of like pave your own way for how you want to go on this it’s really up to you to pave your path and not choose what someone else has for you whether that be college or a corporate job or starting your own job it depends
00:11:55 what you want so that’s my advice if you want to build a relationship with other entrepreneurs and people like myself you can join my Facebook group and my page and I’ll put a link to that in below and if you have questions about getting started on social media or your business I have those guides as well below um on the work with me area so you can check those out and if you have questions I would love to hear them please put them in the comment section I’m signing out this is Brandy of bloging brandy.com
00:12:27 where you can find tons of free resources to help you brand your business and maybe some blog blogs blogs so subscribe to my channel and I’ll see you in the next video [Music]
If we haven’t officially met, Hey I’m Blogging Brandi An EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Female Digital Nomad & Entrepreneur who LOVES RV Living! (oh and Sharing My Advice On YouTube!) Plus, I’m the creator of RVersity, my university for RVers & the name of my other YouTube channel! I’ve also been a licensed cosmetologist for over 17+ years and Graduated From College as a Finance Major… But I decided to quit my job, sell everything to start my own business (and if you’ve seen my story then ya know why I live in an RV aka how I ended up becoming a digital nomad or should I say a “nomadic entrepreneur”)! Now I help others who want to follow in my footsteps…
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🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY HERE!
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This video was originally posted on my old Blogging Brandi YouTube Channel and is part of my deleted scenes series.